Sunday, May 17, 2020

5/16/2020 Creeps for All

    They're out there for a reason. Bad upbringing maybe one reason, karma an other reason. I was about 4 yrs old, playing at a park swing set, having a good all time. Until a bigger kid pushed me down the slide ladder bars. Big creep. Wow I said to myself, thats something new. I'll be more cautious in the future. I didn't get hurt. Once school started, I did ok. The big kids were mouthing off to us as we stood in lines for each grade, in the morning. No violence, didn't see it. I'm about 9 or 10 now, there was a bigger kid down the block maybe 15 yrs old, he'd always be pi cking on me. One day I had enough and picked up a stone size of a quarter, I chased after him. During the chase I let the stone fly, figures I hit him in mouth and broke off a corner of a big tooth. We went to my garage where I was going to give him one of my tonka trucks, he'd point to one and I'd say not that one pick another. He pointed to another, I would say the same thing. I couldn't t work out a deal.  My dad worked out the deal with his parents my actions cost my dad money. Lucky me I didn't lose the love of my father. Next went to jr high, it was gym class. Some type of game outdoors, one group of boys on one side of the field was to run pass the other group of boys coming from the other side of the field. I see my friend get hit by another boy's upper arm. My friend got hurt. I saw something different that bad kid did it deliberately and I saw that face, pure anger, chilling. I would use the word evil. Sometimes I see it in people and stay away.  There was a kid down the street I would have words with. I challenged him to a fight on a neighbor's yard, turned into a wrestling match, I lost, across the street my father was watching. I'm glad he didn't interfere. Smart man. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. It stopped me from getting a big head. In high school, I challenged a boy who was a year ahead of me to a boxing match in gym class. We were dancing around, I threw a right, he dodged to the left and my right got his right ear good. He quick followed with a right to my stomache, fight over. Took me 2 mins to get my breath back. The gym teacher was great telling me what I could have done better as he unlaced my gloves. I quit too easy. Could have learned alot from gym teacher. Nope pugilism was not for me. It became a spectator sport for me.

    I was at a bar, talking to the guy next to me. I said something wrong to him, he got mad, wanted to fight me outside. I just talked to him in a low soothing monotone voice and after ten mins, he was asleep. Good job.

    I was working at a blue collar job, a foundry. We got back from lunch at a nearby bar. Mack was to be my helper, big strong guy. I broke the metal from the molds and he would stack the ingots, which were heavy. I was handing them off to my rear to him. Within mins I caught in his forehead blood everywhere, my fault. He came at me super mad, OH O H. But he managed to control himself. Mack wouldn't talk to me for2 weeks. The unofficial leader of the blue collars was Mirro, a big Puerto Rican. Going into work, we'd line up at the gate. I would snatch his hat and he had this faux upset mad going on. It was so funny. I would always flip the hat back to him. My most important job was to make the coffee, step aside Joe Dimaggio, I'm the king around here. Coffee is serious business, do not make any mistakes. I made it great and on time and arranged the donuts. I came in late one morning to the break room, Mirro says hey (my name),  Mack, he mad at you, he no talk to you. Everyone is sitting drinking coffee, no one says a word. I'm standing, I look over to Mack, he's got a mad look on. I say to Mirro, Mack doesn't hold any grudes, then I turn to Mack, do you Mack? Mack's face changed and a beautiful smile engulfed his face. No I don'!. We shook hands and resumed our friendship. That was a great experience that I treasure to this day, Something real bad became fantastic in 2 weeks. Spirit was there for sure. Thanks spirit.

    Last story. I was at my house doing some organizing and across the street I hear blaring music. After 30 mins, I go over there and say can you turn it down, I was mad. They did turn it down a little. Next week I'm driving in a rural area and theres a 4 way stop ahead. I step on brake, doesn't stop, slide through intersection. lucky for me, no other cars around. I use the emergency brake to get it to a mechanic. Puts it on lift, there's the problem, near the differential someone flattened each rear brake line. Those creeps across the street, paid me a visit, they did. I wondered why spirit didn't tip me off. But at the intersection spirit made sure, no other car was around. Bottom line, I went over across street mad. When your mad nothing good comes from it. That's what spirit allowed me to see.

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