Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5/26/2020 Being a Buttinski

    I was at a strip mall one day, nice day in my pick up truck. Came down a lane and stopped at the road that parallels the stores fronts. Some vehicle was blocking my view from my right. I inched my way forward making sure I don't get hit from the right. Give it a little gas as I bring my eyes back to left, I see a woman step off the sidewalk into street, slam brake hard. The woman gave a short scream. She was  8 ft from me. Sorry I say. The young husband who was trailing behind, came forward and started cursing me out. I said nothing. He tried to open door but instead used his fist on my big side mirror still cussing his fool head off. I said nothing. The wife and guy walk to their car, when they are 50 ft away,  I say something, real loud.... God bless You!!  That did it, the curses were ten times louder than before. Stepped on gas and got the heck out of there. I thought, I hope that wife paid attention to what happened. This time his anger was addressed to me, maybe in the future, she will be the recipient.

    It was dusk at a mega mall, I was sitting in my truck. Not too many cars in the parking lot. A family comes to their car 100 ft from mine. The 8 yr old is screaming in Spanish ( I don't speak it). The father takes his belt off and starts to hit the kid. I don't know what to do. In my head I get turn your high beams on. I didn't listen. It was a good idea though. They left in a couple minutes. I stopped myself intervening because of the language barrier. I berated myself over it, should have gone over there and took away the belt. In hindsight if I did that, it would have been worse for the kid later on. I vowed next time there would be action on my part.

    I'm at a huge outlet park walking a distance thru the parked cars. It was summer and hot and there in the back seat are cute as can be, one yr old twins, sleeping in their car seats. The car locked and windows rolled up. That does it!!!  I'm going to wait till they get back, the kids looked alright. Otherwise it would have been one smashed window. I wait. Then I spot store security in his car, I keep waving at him, he comes down. He's yourg. Twenties. I say to him, I think it's a law in this state you can't leave your kids in car alone. I got this he says. Good. I walk away to a spot 20  ft away, watching. Ten minutes later the couple returns. The guard takes charge. What you did was wrong. The couple say, it was only ten minutes. The guard, I don't care if it was 5 mins or I min. I was proud of that kid. Better it came from a person in authority than from me. Spirit gave me that guard at the right time. It's what you call perfect timing. A lot of times, that's how spirit works/ amazing isn't it.

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