Thursday, September 9, 2021

9/08/2021 A LITTLE FLAME


    The main purpose of this blog series is to develop your trust in spirit.  That was created by God for the sole purpose so that souls  [ that being you] can interact with  God. To make your muscles get strong, they have to be worked. Take walking and lifting for example.  I use dumbells.  You work your muscles on a daily basis  and you will see very good results in a couple months. The same with spirit, you have to work it, use it. Like breathing where you don't  even notice your doing it. If your working toward a goal and you get stuck,  call on spirit for that helping hand.  Any inner nudges you get may be the key  or someone may say something, or you may get the clue from what you read.  Spirit has many ways to assist you in getting that goal. If you have good motives,  it makes the help come more easily lets say. The more you use spirit the brighter will be the flame. Do your 5 to 10 min of thinking of a situation that gives you joy.  Reflect within. This time is quiet time for you.  Many differing thoughts will come,  just brush them aside. Focus on a blank page within. Over time you can ask a question and visualize  it written on the page. Either hear the answer or see it written out.  Be creative in looking for an answer.  Practice makes perfect. Always date and write down your experiences whenever you get them. Your the director of your life. Think what it is that you want and begin the first step in putting step 1 goal into action.  Attain it. Then work on step 2. Continue till goal is met.  Write down how long it took you to get it. The more focus and more energy you invest in it the quicker will be the results.

Make that flame burn. Then life will be more joyfull. Learn from your mistakes. You will rise higher because of them. Overcome negative people's take on you. Believe in your endeavors. I can do this. And I will do great things in my life. Then you will have earned your seat at the table.

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