Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27/2024 Veronica

        Her last name is Marin. Driving down a Texas street, she witnesses a tree Fall and crush a SUV, during a storm. Several cars turned around  but not her. She leaves her 3 kids in the car and with help from a second good Samaritan, gets the door open. She then wiggles her self in to guide Penderson in the steps in extracting him from his predicament. After the tree hit he felt the crushed roof of car upon his chest. He was able to call his wife on phone and she was encouraging him in ways to make it easier to breath. The 2 good Samaritans got him out. And paramedics took over. Veronica left. Pedersen eventually found her on Facebook.

       He found out she was a single mom. And she was experiencing hardships of her own. The house needed repairs. Also she needed help with mortgage and other things. Pedersen set up a go found me page for her. It now has 50,000 plus for her.

      Pedersen is very greatful toward her. He also enjoys his life and helping his guardian angel. This ordeal has made Penderson a greater man than he was before. One fallen oak tree has enhanced many lives this day. And it started with Veronica's Heart.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

8/11/2024 My Guardian Angel

        I was working on a high extention ladder in 95 + heat with high humidity. Usually I feel secure doing theses things. But today it was a bit more difficult. The homeowner Joe across the street who is an energetic 87, would sit in his garage when it got hot. I did a job for him 2 weeks prior.

        Back up on ladder. After 20 minutes at the top. All of sudden any fear or tiredness I had went away. I finished job easily. At the end of the day,  Joe comes over and says I've been watching you as your guardian angel. I said thankyou. 

       The next day I'm  thinking about it. So he really was my angel that day. Because I went from anxiety all morning one min to complete confidence the next. And the only thing different was what he did. And I wouldn't have known except for him telling me.

       Divine Spirit showed me the power of prayer in action. It has instantaneous results. Your number one tool in your tool box is prayer or an asking. Use this tool on a daily basis. You may not get to see it in action like I did. But trust me, things are going on behind the scenes. Hopefully you too will get to see a result for yourself.

Friday, August 9, 2024

8/08/2024 Debby

 The 1 category hurricane came to pay a visit to Florida and the east coast. It's not done yet after dropping tons of water on the Carolinas. Amiee Firestone who runs the Faraway Inn, in Cedar Key  has another storm to clean up after. The one last year was named Idalia. It did more damage than this one. She's an expert on mold. She uses straight vinegar as it dives deeper into the wood to kill mold spores. I always used bleach. Which works but not as good as vinegar. So through her experience, in the future I will use vinegar as well. Thank-you  Amiee. So it's another opportunity to learn from others. She will reopen her Inn this weekend even though the place still needs more work. Going always forward is how she operates. I concur. By listening to others, we maybe able to avoid future problems that crop up in our life. So there are many opportunities that occur weekly that we can learn from. Sometimes we're given close calls. Say maybe while driving. If we are traveling too fast, we have to hit the brakes harder than we should have. Our focus was off. That is a warning. We either listen or suffer the future consequence. It is this way in any type of scenario. The goal is to take full responsibility for what occurs in our lives. Oh, it is hard to do by the way. Very Hard.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

8/04/2024 August

        It's  been 3 months since I got out here. During a quick contemplation, I got something big is coming. Well I felt that it would happen in under a month. That did not happen. I've been making the adjustments and it has not been easy, mostly with the money. Now back to doing handyman things. 

You have to persevere no matter what. With every setback get up and have at it. Again and again. Slowly the dam will break. I have now noticed some cracks in the dams around me. I will work on these cracks, to get a foot hold. No matter what it is that you are after, attack it every day. You will get better results eventually. It's not fun nor is it easy but it is a have too. Keep working on yourself, so as to better yourself making you stronger mentally when it comes time to deal with future problems that may come your way. Be greatfull each day for whatever you have and do quick contemplations on improving yourself.

        I setup a chair in a shady spot on the front porch and put up a hummingbird feeder. I only fill it 1/8th full, since I have only one customer. I change out the food water every 2 days. I got my customer, shade, 20 pound dumbell and my phone. It's a nice quiet time that I recharge in.  Create a space for yourself  to reflect on how things are going in your life. Like just now it happened fast a small bird was chasing a small hawk. The tables turned. And now my buddy Hummingbird is drinking at the feeder. Now the blue sky is his backdrop as he hovers in that one spot in the air. His tail moving rapidly back and forth. After 30 secs he's  gone in a flash. A lot of moments are fleeting, so it is best to stay aware in what life has to offer. No matter how old you are enjoy what is happening in the now.