Read about article about a daughter who was upset about her mother's unclear thinking. Growing up the mother didn't take the kids to doctors too often. The kids did get their shots though. The daughter did have to take care of some health issue when she became an adult. If it was treated when she was younger she wouldn't have to contend with it today. Now, the mother won't get her RSV shot eventhough she has asthma. This upsets the daughter because of covid and lung virus that could kill the mother. The mother who has her covid shots then says when queried if she got the newest booster. She said she is not getting it. The daughter can't get her to reason. The mother is entrenched in conspiratorial platforms. The daughter can't make any headway with her. The advice she is given is you can still mention it to her but there is not much to be done unless she eventually is ruled to be her guardian.
Very sad to see this happen to a loved one. Very painful. In my family once, my mother said to my father I'm done with the doctors. My father tried to get her to change her mind. It didn't work. Four days later he says to her ok, ok then it's settled I too will no longer go to doctors as well. My mother thought about this for 61 seconds and said I will make an appointment to see the doctor. Pop had the brain alright. Love in action. Another contentious problem solved. Good on you pop.