Each and every day we have decisions to make. What were going to eat, what clothes to wear, errands that need doing and how to treat others. We become our choices. With choice you can change direction on a dime. The road you selected initially can end right now. You can go off in a totally different direction. You can change your attitude toward a negative event, which will make it better for you. In these past blogs I showed you how you can make these beneficial changes. You are the director of your own life. If you desire something, you have to make a plan in how to attain it. A note pad will keep you focused on what you can do to make it happen. Time will have to be expended on it. All the while thinking I will get to the goal. Set up mini goals on your way to the big goal, put a time limit on the mini goals. Work hard on these mini goals. Look over them on a daily basis. Did you attain it? If you didn't , write down what stopped you from getting it. Hit a dead end? Then ask spirit to help you around the blockage. To see if this works select a small final goal and go after it. When you get it, write it down how long it took you to get it. Once you do it you will have your confidence built up. It only gets better here on out.
When you are going after your goals, keep a record of your successes and failures. Alot can be learned by our failures. You have to reflect on the failures, a lot of good stuff is found here. The harder the fall or fail the greater the potential growth for you. Own your mistakes, don't blame others. Regroup push onward. Say you spent months working on a project and it falls apart. Don't panic, look at it from all angles and see where you can do better. If you believe in the goal do not give up.
I spent 5 yrs going to a chiopracter. I go in crooked and come out walking straight. After the 5th yr I said wait a minute. I'm going to have to do something to fix myself. I started with exercises that weren't tuff on the back. By the 7th yr, I was better and didn't need the chiopracter anymore. When I first got hurt with the back, my first thought was I will get better. There was no doubt in my mind. It took 7 yrs to get back to the way I was. If I would have did the exercises quicker maybe it would have been 3 yrs instead of 7. You have to have the belief first then do the work to make it happen.
Focus on your goals and don't let anyone talk you out of it. Just make sure your actions aren't hurting anyone. Be careful with your choices. Record all lessons good and bad.