Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dec8/2022. Fire


     Read a story from Florida. A mom in her back yard used a gas can to pour gas on a big log in a outdoor fire pit. The flame traveled up the descending stream igniting the can and exploding. It killed her and severely injured her 11 year old. Very sad. Gasoline is very explosive. The liquid emits fumes like a mini gas cloud. These fumes are what causes the rapid explosion.

     Every once in awhile you read about a house being blown to bits in a gas explosion. The house fills with natural gas from a leak in a pipe and can be ignited by turning on a light switch. When you turn on a switch a small spark is generated.

     Also you may want to install a carbon monoxide detector in your house for about 25 dollars. Also get a smoke detector. This gas (CO) is generated by burning of fossil fuels. It is odorless. It can kill you.

     In life we have an opportunity  to learn from other people's mistakes.  Think and then act on it. We can learn either the hard way or the easier way.  Listen to that small inner voice you have, it just might save your life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Dec 7/2022 A Letter


     Today is Pearl Harbor Day. The day of infamy. An event that brought us into WW 2. Saving the world from hegemony.

      So I got this letter and within 24 hrs, I misplaced it. But I didn't  know it at the time. It got a little bit hectic and I forgot about it. 10 days later,  I'm looking for it. Can't find it. Thinking I tossed it out to recycling  a week ago. I asked spirit to help me find it. I did a through search to no avail. From my vantage point I ask spirit is the envelope in the house. If I see 2 blue cars back to back driving that means the letter is lost. I don't  see the blue cars. Switch to new symbol, 2 birds next to each other means the letter is lost 1 bird the letter is in house. After 3 minutes see 1 mourning dove alight upon a tree branch. He stays like 2 min in same spot. Ok the letter is in the house. 3 min later I move a note book and find the letter. I don't remember me putting it there but there it is. Thank-you divine spirit, are my first words. Very thankfull. You can have spirit work wonders in your life as well. Start by asking for it's help.

     One day a woman asked me which dog killed her small dog. She had a invisible fence that kept her 7 dogs on her property. I told her to ask spirit what color the aggressive  dog was. 2 weeks later, I say well what did you get, she said she saw a white dog 1 time and a black dog right after that. I said there you go it was a black & white dog. Oh she said. I didn't  tell her but 1 of her 7 dogs was a black & white Labrador. I thought she would get very upset if I told her that.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Dec/3/2022 KARMA Big Time (SARS)


     Dr Andrew Huff a scientist from the US who worked in health labs dealing with infectious viruses. Has a new book out The Truth about Wuhan. In it he claims US knew about the leak of sars from Wuhan labs back in August 2019. That's a big WOW.  The US funded that lab. So you see that the 2 culprits the US and China are the responsible parties and who suffered the most the Chinese and the Americans. American deaths have gone past 1 million and counting. What goes around comes around, it's called Karma. It applies to everyone on a daily basis. Think real good before doing an action that can hurt you or others. If someone asks you to do something that doesn't sit right with you, then don't do IT. If you get that feeling you can ask spirit for it's guidance. By working with divine spirit that bond will become stronger and you will get answers more quickly. It can help you in getting through difficult situations in your life. The bottom line, it's  about you and your loved ones first and only. And it's  (divine spirit) there to help you when other  people screw up. 

     On our money it says  Trust in God.  Well?  This should be the first and only stop.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Nov12/2022. SAD

      The kids name is Sisk one letter removed from Sick. He shot his family dead in Alabama. Siblings and parents. He said he was sick of the situation his parents placed upon him and his siblings. He didn't want his siblings to have to put up with it anymore. Sisk was 14 years old.

     Is it his fault?  Yes and no. Do you think that he would have done this evil act, if he grew up in a loving atmosphere that is what it should have been. Think on that. If families can't get along,  what makes you think nations should get along. You here it's the millennial generation or other named generations. To me it's  always been the ME generation. These parents were only concerned about their needs and wants. The kids were treated as pieces of furniture to be kicked about. This is what a lack of love can do to a family. Destroy it unequivocally. No love  spells death. 

     If you find yourself in a bad situation turn to Divine Spirit the voice of God to help you get to a safe harbor. He will answer. Ask him to show you the way out that you will be able to understand. Once you ask for help, then leave it in God's hands. He will take over but remember to do things to make it better for you as well. You look for that answer from God. It is there. Know it.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Nov 11/2022 All That Shines

      Is not necessarily gold. Jordan Larsen had her 3 medals stolen, that she won in US Olympic volleyball. They were locked away in a safe, the robbers still got it. Your symbols of achievement can be snatched from you no matter what it is. Things are fleeting. But what you have become can never be taken from you. This is the most important treasure that you have. Cherish that and add  to that in your future days. It's what it's  all about becoming more of who you really are. Everyone is on a spiritual path. And those paths can go to many a rocky road. Doesn't have to be that way though. By strengthing your connection to Divine Spirit, your path will take you on a flatter straighter road. The knowledge you get will help point you in becoming the higher self that is alone your true beingness. A defining moment to be sure. It sits way above any accolade you could hope to achieve here on earth. Your achievements won't be hid away in a safe but live within you forever. The journey will have been worth the struggles that you have gone through to get it. The struggles you endured will fall to the way side as they bring you to the promise land that existed in you all along. This trek upon earth has allowed  you to unfold into recognizing who you really are.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Nov/ 1/2022 Heavy Feather

 Her name was Lightfeather. The young Indian gal who rejected Marlon Brando's Oscar for best actor in 1973. He had her decline for him because he was boycotting the film academy  for it's mistreatment of native Americans in films. Half the audience boos and the the other half applauds. 50/ 50 division just like it is today in American politics. John Wayne the guy who did no military service in WW 2. This large man was so incensed by Littlefeather that men behind the curtain had to physically hold him back from attacking the woman. No apology was forthcoming from the academy until Sep of 2022. Wow  she had to wait 49 years to get that. My guess if there was no me too movement, she would still be waiting for that apology. So last October Littlefeather died at 75.

     Her 2 sister's than claim as they were being interviewed, that their sis ter was of Spanish/Mexican ancestry. She had no native american blood in her. Why be someone your not. God created everyone with unique talentSuffield. our job to uncover them. How? By trial and error. When you uncover one of the talents which there are many, you will know it. You will be real good at it. You take that passion and run with it. It just might turn into a lucrative business venture for yourself. A job you enjoy and you becoming self suffient. No need to pretend that you are something that your not.

     Another woman was recently let of prison. The German women prtended to be a wealthy socialite. She hobnobed with wealthy NYC socialites where she scammed her way into acquiring illicit goods and monies. Her actions caught up to her landing her in jail. Trying to be someone she was not.

     Last example is Bernie Madoff. He ran a pinzi type scheme from NYC. Stole hundreds of millions from his trusting admirers. A lot of people were now older and list most of their money in his scheme. I don't know what became of them. Authorities clawed back some of the money to give back to investors. Many people list funds that they couldn't replace. Madoff"s wife got to keep a lot of money. Madiff's son committed suicide because of what his father did. A destroyed life for everyone involved. Was it worth it? Trying to be someone your not.. Just might explode your life. Bernie Madoff died last year in prison. Still leaving a bad taste in many peoples lives.

     Look for your hidden talents to live a rewarding life that is meant to be yours.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Oct /28/2022 Rush is On?

     Yesterday in New York City a young man running to catch the subway. The train is in motion slowly heading out. His clothes get caught on the body of the train car. Dragging him along the platform. He did not survive. The people who knew him, said he was always cheerful  and had a smile on his face, a very good person.

     When were running late, it's  best to go forward in the new time frame. By rushing on foot or in a car  we open ourselves up to uneeded mistakes. Causing us emotional distress or injury or even death. So not worth it. You know, if your late your late. That is your new estimated time of arrival. When you rush you become stressed in some part of the body. Your body does not need stress. So cut it some slack. By taking care of your body today, you will be able to enjoy a better tomorrow. I'm getting older and I notice the bounce back time takes longer. So when I recently got a cold, I told myself  I will recoup faster. I stayed in bed under covers for 2 days straight. After that I felt myself getting better each day. After 10 days I was 95%. If I would have done things while sick I know I would have had a miserable time. So if your sick stay in bed in the initial stages. No need to spread your virus to others. We don't need it either.

     Listen to your body. You are the best judge if something doesn't  feel right. Pursue your hunches. Ask divine spirit what it is that ails you. You do some investigating as well. The seeker will find it. If there is a roadblock in your life, always turn to divine spirit. It is the bearer of good tidings for you.

    One more thing. Once I had to get on a plane in less than 2 days. I felt a cold come on. No way was I going to get on that plane sick. I said to myself, I'm not going. That night I felt the cold being removed from my body. The cold was being removed slowly  so that I would be able to feel it happening. As it was leaving the body I could feel my body trying to hang on to it the cold from leaving. Totally wierd. But on some level it makes sense. It sounds impossible but the next day I was 100%. I know when I'm   getting a cold and I always get it. So if divine spirit  wants something done, it's going to get it done. In my case I was to be on that plane healthy. And so it was.