I had to take my wife to the doctor in the city on Wednesday. Had to leave early that day. I usually use the bathroom between 9 and 10 am. I had to leave at 8am. I was worried about this. But Wednesday morning came and I used the bathroom at 7:20, which never happens. I was happy about that, as well as thankfull. That was a load off my mind. So spirit knew ahead of time what my predicament was. And answered the call. So spirit becomes involved with the nitty gritty in the affairs of us. Looking after us in the most mundane of all actions.
If spirit can help in the little things, think what it can do in the bigger facets of our lives. When it comes to our life set a course of where you would like to go and what it is you want to experience. Give this endeavor a lot of thought. Make an outline. You can fill in the blanks later on. Always refer to this outline every Sunday and take notes and add things to the outline. Always to remember that you can ask spirit for it's input along the way. If you are handed something, think do I really need this? And if not, withdraw your hand. Your life will be about additions as well as subtractions. Both are important. They can refer to people or things. This is hands on. Always changing and flowing. The trick is to have fun with the total experience. Always be thankful to begin your day. Take 5- 10 min in morning to do a contemplation. A zeroing in, on what you would like.