Monday, August 16, 2021

8/16/2021 When the Wolf is at the Door


     The first response should be Why.  How come this is happening to me?  Stand in front of the mirror,  there's  your answer.  Our poor choices have landed us in this predicament.  All is not lost however.  That is if we can learn from our failures. You can say I didn't  see it coming ( covid for example ) .  What should of happened was that you should have savings that can carry you through a drought.  I'm totally  guilty in this department. Total failure on my part.  It is not pleasant.   Money is necessary to have a better life.  It's  like air or water you take it for granted but then comes a day when it's  supply is limited.  Like say a lung problem or like in California where there are water shortages. A lot of towns in California  are in trouble of going under because of lack of water.  We have to prepare for the worst and plan better when it comes to having a better future life.  To get to that life were going to have to work hard at it.  Say if  I do this will it benefit me in the future.  If  I'm not making enough money maybe I should find another place to work.

    Evaluation.  Look at your goals at end of month and see if the money your making  is going to get you were you want to be.  If not, changes are in order.  Say you've  been at your job awhile, look at the lessons you're  been given here.  There are many lessons to be had at that job,  one of them being how you relate to others.  By keeping a journal you can chart your progress on being a better human being. Spirit is the force that brings these people into your life.  What you see in them is what exists in you. When a big problem comes into your life, try to break it down in little sections. Work on the one section until you have a satisfactory result. Then it's on to the next section. Like eating an elephant one bite at a time.

    Stuff, you either own it or it owns you. Once you take possession  of it you got to make a place to store it. If it breaks you got to fix it. With me it was books. I had to move so I packed them all up. Conclusion  books are heavy. Next time I had to move I got rid of 70 % of them. Life is maintenance,  cars break down as well as houses and your own body.  Everything costs. You have to get to a place where you can pay for the upkeep. You have to have differing irons in the fire. Keep and eye on where you want to be and make a deadline to go along with it. You tell yourself,  I will get the through  this with spirits help. Every day give yourself that needed pep talk. When you master this predicament,  the wolves will disappear from your life.

Friday, August 13, 2021

8/10/2021 People are Who They Are


     Accept them for who they are.  Or  don't , it's  your choice. You can change them a little bit but it's  mostly  wheather  they want to.  It has to benefit them. 

    Say you want to be part of a group.  As you hang with them you notice  some of them are not being very nice to you. Do you let it slide or do you take it as a warning.  Think about it for a good long time. Am I up to putting up with this crap for my future experiences.  Or is it time to move on down the road.

    If you want to know someone, you have to be with them for some time.  Pay attention to how they treat others.  That is a big tell. How they treat others will be visited upon you sometime in the future.  When you find yourself making excuses for their behaviors you are entering a dangerous space. Now is the time to take a step back and really think about your actions.  Don't  worry if you slam the door shut God  will open up another maybe not right away but soon.  Keep an eye out for future opportunities. What you just did was tell the universe no thankyou  to that last relationship.  I deserve better.  That last relationship hopefully taught you something about yourself.  It's  about you and learning  more about you. You are trying to be a more happier and better person than you were  before.

    Self introspection  is the way to become more knowledgeable  about yourself.  Getting mad is ok to blow off steam but do it in private. Getting mad does not fix anything,  it makes it worse. Help is blocked when your mad. To get a good answer be at peace and have a good humor. Being positive can help in all aspects of your life. Be kind to yourself and then to others.  To drive a train you need an engineer.  You are the engineer of your body. You can stop at any given moment and change direction. This is your life! If you don't  like it. Then change it. If you need help you call on spirit for help. It may help you with a book, somebody tells you something,  a tv show or something of that order. Just trust that where  you are now heading will be beneficial to you. At first it maybe Tuff very Tuff but things over time will get better. Keep and open mind and work hard to get to that new desired place of yours. And once again keep a journal and date it.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

8/06/2021 To be a Victim or Not


    This is a question that needs an answer. The answer is either a yes or a no. To be a victim is agreeing that you have no power over the situation. First you have to see that you have a problem. Once you can see it, then you can fix it. When you blame others for your problems you are being a slacker.  Basically it comes down to 3 words, I am Responsible period.  Look in the mirror in the morning and repeat those words. I am worthy. I am loved by God. I can fix my problems by myself or an assist by spirit.  Do this mirror exercise every day. This will get you out of a  big rut that you put yourself in.  By doing nothing that rut will get deeper making it harder to see out of it. Once your energy is saved you can direct that energy to a more beneficial life for your self. People that keep you down or upset,  well just cross them off your list.  If you can't  get rid of them totally, then limit your time with them.  Don't  be nasty to them be civil, use kind words. If they direct unkind words to you reply with kind words no matter what.  Why waste your energy arguing or trying to get them to see your way. So not worth it. Use that time to get what you want in your life,,  put the energy there and go for your Dreams. Move on and enjoy your new  better life.

Friday, July 30, 2021

7/30/2021 Park IT


    Taking my wife into town for a procedure.  I ask spirit for a parking space.  In my head go to the first parking deck. Drop her off and start to look to Park. Well last week it was the 3rd parking deck that gave me a spot. So I tried that one because last week deck 1 had no spots.  So I get to the 3 rd deck, a sign there says it's  filled.  Great head to deck 1.  Once in there the right lane has 2 cars in front if barrier. I jump to left lane get ticket and I'm  ahead of car 2 now.  I see cars with back up lights on hopefully pulling out of the spot. They sit there, I wait 1 min for them then move on because they're  people behind me. I do this twice.  Near the top I find a spot. Thank you spirit. So you see I was told about deck 1 in the beginning. But I let my mind try to handle it based on past experience I had in parking in town. So when I get the guidance go with that first.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

7/28/2021. To Bee or Not to Bee


    Monday I get back from Wallmart and nothing is amiss.  Fifteen minutes later I hear a buzzing near the 3 casement window that are side by side. They don't work too well.  I grab the fly swatter  expecting flies, I find bees. They're  not doing too good nowadays. I force the 3rd window open and push swatter  flat against glass so that bee can walk on it, then I bring swatter  near open window to get him out.  There were about 25 of them. It took several tries with each one about 15 min.  Half hour later they're back with a vengence. looks like they're  coming from above shelf over stove.  The gloves are now off, it's  out and out war.  Swatting bees left and right.  Had to force open window closed because the bees I initially got out were  trying to reenter the kitchen.  I look toward the bathroom and 6 of them were bouncing off the screen, I run and shut the window, trapping  them between the glass and screen.  The bees I got out before were on the outside of screen communicating with the bees that are on the inside of screen.   Amazing!  Back to kitchen I measure ht of shelf and cut a piece of sheetrock that I wedge alongside  kitchen cabinet  no nails or glue are needed. Worked like a charm.  More than 70 bees bite the dust. Sorry about that.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    It does have a meaning though. I think it's  a spiritual one. Don't  know the exact meaning as of now. When a strange occurrence  happens  in your life, write it down with the date and in the future look back and see if you can figure it out.  I wrote before how a woman noticed empty plastic oil cans on the road at times throughout the month. She wondered why.  Then one day she was at gas station and the guy said want your oil checked?  She was going to say no but remembered all those oil bottles, she then said yes.  Turns out she was down 2 quarts.  I don't  remember any gas guy asking me if I wanted my oil checked .  Spirit was Johnny on the spot though.

Friday, July 23, 2021

7/23/2021 Two Kinds of People


    Florida.  Tony a gardner notices the other day a car rolling down the road, inside is a driver who is having a medical emergency. Tony recognizes the man a member of his community. Tony tries to stop the car with his hands, didn't  work. Car winds up on a neighbors lawn. The car is locked and Tony can't  get in. The lawn owner runs out and tells Tony to get the car out of his yard and have the guy die somewhere else. Yep  really happened!  Tony knows where the stricken guy's  house is up the street, he runs to it and tells wife to call 911. The rescue people  come and do their job. The stricken guy asks cops to give him Tony's  phone number. The guy tells Tony thankyou, you did save my life.

    Today is dedicated to Tony, may God give him 3 great things  or experiences today July 23 2021.  And to all the future Tony's out there, thank God for you. A true humanitarian and patriot.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

7/6/2021 Health Wise


    The best thing you can do for your body is to get proper rest 7 to 8 hrs.  The number 2 thing is to drink more water at least a half gal per day. Stay away from drinking well water, alot of nasties in there. Mainly chemicals. I use bottled water. 

    When it comes to food. Try to use less processed foods. There are dyes salts and sugars in them.  Atound 1906 doctors noticed an uptick in colon problems that didn't exist before. Processed foods were introduced about 10 years prior. Buying raw veg and fruits and meat is the healthiest way to go.

    Sugary soda and diet drinks are no good. Artificial sugars just as bad as as sugar. I use stevia instead but not alot. They put sugar in everything even barbecue sauce.  Sugary cereals keep to a minimum.  Fried foods like French fries and anything fried is bad for the body, as years go by it wears on the body in illnesses.  Excess alcohol  is no good either. It puts you in a hole one way or another and takes many years to undo the damage. You can do a u turn at any time and try to right the ship (your body).

    Exercise every day.  Park your car far from the entrance so you can get in some more steps. Work with dumbells for 5 min in the morning. You only need 1 dumbell to get started.  Use a 2 or 3 pound dumbell. Turn your hand palm up and lift the dumbell bend your elbow toward your body, do this 5 or 10 or more times. Switch to the other hand and repeat. Thats 1 set. Set 2 repeat set 1. After a month go up in weight say 5 lbs more. Within 6 mos your arms will be stronger and have more definition. 5 min a day you will see how it benefits you within a month.

    Breathing exercises.  Sit in a chair, look forward breathe in through your nose deep. Hold breath for as long as you can, then slowly blow out your mouth. Do this 20 times per day. You are getting more oxygen into those lungs. Do this in the morning.

    Finally focus on what you want in your life and do 1 thing today to get you closer to your goal. Write it down in your book or journal.