Saturday, June 11, 2022

6/11/2022. The Will of The Cat


    The Ring :   An outdoor porch about 15 ft x 8ft. Has a 4ft high railing with balusters.

    The combatants :  1 wiry about 35 pound coyote.  And one scared out of his mind 6 pound cat.

    Place someone's house during the evening.

    The obstacle :  1 lounge chair in the flat position.

    The scene :   Mr cat sitting on his porch minding his own business. Mr coyote with a very quick appearance into the ring, strikes first. The cat surprised makes a fast counter response, claws out. Mr coyote did not like that one bit. Cat dives under the lounge chair, where battle continues. Mr cat tries to scale baluster, Mr coyote pulls him back into the ring for more fisticuffs. Mr cat makes for under the lounge chair again tight quarters favoring the cat. Mr coyote pulls back from under the chair. Mr cat makes it to top of the railing, his back end facing the ring. Mr coyote grabs ahold of cat's butt and pulls him back into the ring. Blows are exchanged. Mr coyote makes a small retreat, cat back up on railing and then tries to climb the post up toward the roof. The post may have something on it like a metal or plastic covering that makes it harder for the cat to hold on. But he succeeded. Culminating the 1 round fight. 

    And the winner is Mr coyote. Award : Not much, some scratches and a return to the woods with no dinner for him.

    The cat's will trumped that of the coyote's.  If There is a WILL there is a Way.   Ratchet up that will.

    Which brings me to the Ukraine War. The US told Ukraine  the Russkies are coming for you.  Zelensky didn't  believe it, why because it didn't make sense.  Everyone was surprised that the Russian invasion stalled. That is everyone but the Ukrainians . Who refused to play dead. That is one super strong will there. The Russians out numbered them in every aspect, the men and military equipment. When the Europeans and US saw the success of the Ukrainians,  it is then that the military aid really started to flow in. These Ukrainians were nothing like the Afghans, who rolled over in 3 days. Afghan  equal zero will,  Ukraine  100 per cent will.  Just before Feb 24 2022, Biden offers a flight out for Zelensky,  he says I don't  need a ride I'll take munitions instead.

    What about you,  is there a big scary situation in your life. Do you have the will to confront it.  What is your game plan? To make a Change, it has to start in your head first. Choose a different course. Then take numbered steps in making your reset.  Always ask spirit to aid you in your endeavor. With your will and spirits help, you should have your desire.  Don't quit ever, you will have that better life. Are you going to shake in your boots, or are you going to do something about it?

Thursday, June 9, 2022

6/09/2022 That Old Dirty Thing


    Those were the words of Lauren Krytzer's sister on spotting an old blanket that was used last by a pregnant cat and her kittens. Lauren's grandmother promised him her book collection but his mother and sister took the best ones. The sister grabbed one of the two blankets, the better looking lands end blanket. The dirty one went to Lauren, who put it in his closet in 2011.

    The California man became was a carpenter. All was well until a 2007 car crash left him in a hospital. In the course of his one year stay in the hospital he lost his leg and was put on dialysis.  Then disability made him jump through hoops. Before the disability,  after paying rent he was left with 200 dollars for the month, living in California.

    2011 Lauren was watching Antique Road Show on TV. An old Indian blanket was estimated to be worth 300 to 500 thousand dollars. His blanket looks like the one on tv. He tells his family and they tell him you would be lucky to get 10 dollars. He went on the show and Don Ellis   told him that it was authentic and that it was worth more than 500,000 dollars. His sister made a play for the dirty blanket. She eventually with drew her complaint.

    2013 the blanket is auctioned off and Don Ellis makes the winning 1.5 million bid. Other buyers were offering Lauren  tons of money for the blanket before it hits auction block. Don gives Lauren 9,000 dollars to tied him over til the auction. After the sale,Don got Lauren financial advisors to help Lauren hold on to his money. Now Lauren says California  is taxing him so much he will have to move to Idaho. 

    Spirit moved in Lauren's favor as it saw fit. With surprising  results for all involved. Now that spirit gave him an opportunity,  it is up to Lauren to protect his future, hopefully with spirits help.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

6/05/2022 Portents


    Had a dream last night. I was at the air port, trying to get on a flight. I was trying to cut it close  on my arrival time at the airport. In real life I don't  try to cut it close. The boarding agent says to me there are 3 people from south Philly that are on the flight with me. Then I woke up.

    I usually check the news on my phone when I wake up. One of the stories is about 3 people being shot to death on South Street which is in Philly. So the dream portended the near future. The airport was a symbol of a debarkation point for those 3 souls who died. The other thing I got from the dream was not to cut things too close  when having to prepare for a trip.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

5/29/2022. Memorial Day


    It's  the day we remember those who fought to make this country strong and great. It started with an idea that goes back to Greece. This time around our founding fathers intended to give this idea a lot of oxygen to this flicker of a flame called democracy.  Those men who signed the Declaration of Independence also potentially were signing their death sentences, if they got caught by the British in the late 1700s.  Think about that. They wanted to share power of their new found economic wealth among themselves and not being overseen by monarchies  of a foreign land. They wanted a say in how to run their own affairs. The colonial militias were given no chance to win against the number 1 military of the world. None. The colonists were good learners always trying new tactics in the war against Britain. The British had mostly arrogant officers. Not good when trying to win a war. George and his crew eventually  prevailed. Many died or got wounded in the cause. A new nation was born that became a beacon to the rest of the world. Selfishness and greed would rise up in the 1860s, which threatened to cleave the nation in half. Another great man took center stage and reunited the nation via force. This was necessary  so that this nation could rise up and help stop Germany  in WW 1. Again in WW 2 if we didn't  stop them then, we would probably be speaking German today. We enter the world stage again in confronting an evil nation in it's unprovoked attack against it's neighbor. We must stand up for the fight because democracy  hangs in the ballance. Dictatorships  subjugate the good and happiness of it's  people.

    Memorial day is for rememberace of those who did their duty for a just cause despite the prices that they may have incurred. They kept the light burning for the world to see. We must never let that light go dim or else we ourselves turn into the blight that is Russia.   Let us all remember.  Think, how can I uphold the values of my fore fathers. What I can do to make a better world. Start with yourself. Can I heal the divisiveness in my own family. This day of all days is very important for a better future for all of us.  May God be with you.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

5/17/2022. Material Things


There is nothing wrong in acquiring possessions.When I take ownership of something, I am thankfull  for it. Say you buy a car. This machine can make your life easier. You have to take care of it, to make it last. It takes time and energy. You will have good times and not so good times with it. You will learn many lessons about life with this car.  It can be any purchase you make.  It's  your attitude that will determine your happiness quotient.

    When acquiring  things, see how they are going to benefit you. Could it become a money pit and will it be worth it. Can you really use it or has it become clutter. It's  good to evaluate the things in your life once a month. What can I subtract from my life to make it more stream line. How have my interests changed. What is most important to me now and the near future. Have my wants changed. What can I do to further  me along in my new pursuit. If it's just things that we covet, it will lead to eventual despair. It's  our relationships that have the most meaning in life. And if you don't have that ask spirit to start to bring those relationships into your life. It most definitely can be created.

    Ask yourself,  what do I really want?  And do this every night and morning  In school your given homework to devlop your understanding. In life the best homework is done on yourself. What makes you,    tick. Put your thoughts down in a journal . You will find you. Not  what others think of you but what you think of yourself  the things that don't  make you happy are the things that you have to work on in a most earnest way.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

5/15/2022 Flower Pot


    Put it out there. Last week I wanted a flower pot. Garbage day came and I looked around to see if anyone threw one away. I didn't see any. I kept it in the back of my mind. One day I'm in Home Depot, I look in garden center and find many flower pots. I find one that is medium size and has a slice in it's rim. I hang on to it to see if there are other damaged pots. There weren't.  I eventually find a guy who scans it at 9 dollars. That's  crazy, so I offer 4 dollars for it. He said ok. The pot was a little fancy. So it took 10 days to get the pot. If I wanted a free one, it would of taken longer. Glad I got it, thanks spirit.

    Little things work more quickly. The bigger wants ìn life will take a bit longer.  Using sticktuvidiness  will get you there. Work with spirit to assist you in your endeavor. Always believe that you will aquire your goal.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

5/6/2022 Even Keel


    Is what you need when gliding your boat upon the waters. We are like that boat. Travel through life on an even keel. Not leaning to the left or the right too much. Too much lean can tip the boat. We have to think keep the boat afloat. Just like in life, we try to survive to the best of our abilities.  It's not easy.  We make mistakes aplenty, learning from them hopefully as we go along. The journey should go a little easier as we get older, provided we did actually learn. 

    To keep us going, God has given us the gift of spirit as a helper in our quest to be a more loving soul which is what we really are.  First you have to prove that spirit is for real. So to do that, you put spirit to the test.  Asķ it to show itself to you. When you get an experience, don't  try to make light of it, saying ..oh that was  just a coincidence. Accept it and ask for more experiences. These experiences can come from dreams or daily experiences. From the mundane to the profound. When you get them, write them down and full date of their occurrence. It will be about you and your experiences with spirit. It's like being a detective, that will really change your life for the better. Your awareness will expand and you will make better choices for yourself. With a friend like spirit, it is here that you go to for the best advice,  it does have your back you know. Don't  hesitate to call on it at anytime.

    After we are born, we slowly forget our connection to spirit. The rest of our life is about trying to reconnect with spirit. It didn't  go away, it was  always there all along. It was us who went away.  All we have to do is make that big u-turn to reconnect.  Just make it your will to do so, since we all have Free Will.  No matter what mess your in, spirit has an off ramp for you. All you have to do is ask.

    There will be bumps along the road but this time you will be aided by spirit. Now is the time to make  that choice. Invest in a more fruitful  life. Your journey has always been written by you. You are the one in charge of you. Go  for it.