Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Oct /17 /2023 He Stepped in It

                 This guy goes to the atm and takes out 400 bucks. Hour later he just finishes his meal at a restraunt . Pulls out his wallet and sees no money. Runs back to the atm but thinks yeah sure it will be there. Well it wasn't there. They're  were about 5 senior citizens milling about. One of them says looking for something? Yeah my 400 bucks, he says. Big smiles all around. Here you go. A woman says I told you he or she would come back. They spent over an hour waiting on him. 

 Lucky him they're honest seniors walking around. Not only him but for all of us. I read this on Reddit. Let us all do a random act of kindness for our seniors.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Oct 09/2023 How a Little Thing Can Trip You Up

           So 2 days ago, I'm putting on my favorite work sneakers. Then I did some stuff in my room. I'm standing there thinking about something and feel a little ity pain coming from my right sneaker. I put my attention there and felt that my right foot is drooping on the right side of my foot. Over time the soles wear and with me it's the outer heel that gets worn down. This wear eventually disables shoe integrity. I liked these sneakers a lot. But that little twinge was a wake up call that if I continued to use said sneaker, I probably would develop a bigger problem down the road regarding my foot health. Reluctantly I took action right away and took them off searching for other shoes. I tossed my favs in the garbage. All things must pass eventually. Everything changes, people in our lives, differing tasks we used to do, our attitudes, heath and many other avenues. We have to accept the changes as they come hopefully with grace. Like my problem, I could have ignored it to my own peril. Causing me unnecessary grief. By heeding these little warnings in life we can spare ourselves of future what ifs.

      A lot of times were surprised by events but if we have a discerning eye we can pick up a potential brewing problems. So we're doing something and a little problem happens. It is going to cost us time to stop what we're doing and address the problem. I say stop and try to fix it NOW, because if we put it off we will forget it. Then one day we pay a price.

      Say we notice a small nail in tire causing a very small air leak. Well for months there was no real problem. Then one day you hit a curb and it pushed the nail in deeper causing a bigger leak. Now your day is shot. A 2 hour fix then becomes 24 hour fix now.

      In relationships too. Address the little problems before it leads to a major blowup later on. We get very small warnings all the time, we have to be smart and act on them when they do come, otherwise it's  why me time.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Oct 5/ 2023 Find the Gift

       God has given us gifts that we are suppose to search out. Just like an Easter egg hunt. Those who choose to do this will be immensely rewarded. Take  Vichy's art, the 15 year old boy who has autism has his own way of creating colorful art. It is fantastic. I like color and his style. It's worth going to his above site. He found his gift. 

      You too, no matter how old you are can find yours as well. It will take some patience but you will find that easter egg that God has hidden inside you. Seek first and let the finding begin. Jot down your efforts with the days of your searching and see how long it takes you to find an egg.  There are many  eggs out there. Maybe you will be satisfied with the one egg but there are many more out there as well. Happy hunting.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Oct. 03/2023 Sticking Your Neck Out

       Somewhere in a Canadian city. A bus driver pulls up to the stop at 1 am to a woman sitting on the bench. He opens the door she doesn't move. His spidey                      ( Spiderman comic book hero) sense goes off.  Something is not quite right. He gets off of his bus and coaxes her up into the bus. He has the passengers move toward the back of the bus. He talks to her in the front seats. Turns out she was just assaulted by someone. The driver calls the cops and waits til the cops come. His job is to just drive the bus but he is his brother's (sisters) keeper. Hats off to him. We need more people like him walking the Earth. People who try to make things better than the way they found it. If we all have this mind set, this world would be so much different. People pulling together. Always go within first. If it feels right go with it. Maybe you would lose your job but rest assured divine spirit has a better door for you to walk through. Hopefully those passengers on the bus also learned a lesson from what transpired  this night.

Friday, September 29, 2023

9/29/2023 Don't Jump

      This gal had 2 blows come her way. The death of her grand mother and a relationship breakup. Plus depression. She didn't have a driver's license, so she had to depend on others. She needed a ride home and waited for her ride. An hour later she was still waiting. So she started to walk home. Her depression deepened. When she came to the high bridge she thought this would be a good time to end it. As she was staring into the abyss she hears a voice from a car screaming don't jump. She was shocked. She took a step back. And continued on to home. She sought out mental health. Thus turned her life around.

     Divine Spirit spoke that night to this woman. Right at the right time. It waits and then makes it's presence known. It saved her life. This story came from   My Unsung Heroes.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

9/21/2023 This Old Shoe

       I had these black shoes a real long time. I kept them good. They went with me to funerals, weddings as well as my own wedding and times I went out. Today I was putting them on for a wake this time. It was for my pop. The guy who was always there for me. One of the best guys I ever met. He was in a class all his own. For pop it was always about family. He had his priorities in order. He shown brighter than any diamond. Today I would give that talk. I would start it off by talking about soul who we are, then about my experiences with pop.  Running late per usual. I was heading upstairs and when I got to the carpeted landing, my ankle turned in a bit. Like I stepped on a stone.  I look back and see a small pile of dirt on the carpet. What the heck is that. I touch the soft black stuff and it's crumbly. I take my shoe off and half my heal is missing. Why now I say. Quickly I pulled on my old brown shoes. An hour later I got it.  My sole fell apart and today I would be talking about soul.

      We are spiritual beings having a physical existence. When we look in the mirror God is looking back.  He is omnipresent in all things. Divine spirit passes messages to his creation. Look in that mirror and tell  God what it is that you desire. Do it when you wake up and before bed.  Do your due diligence  and it will come your way.  By talking to the mirror you will strengthen that connection to God. It is a very good thing to develop. He can help you make the best decisions for your life. When you get inner nudges, follow them whether pro or con. When this bond sets up your life will be way better than it was before. You will learn that you are not alone, he is the one constant you can count on. Trust the process. The above 3 words I got when recently I was lamenting my current no good situation.  I don't remember how I  got those words but I got it and it fit.

Monday, September 18, 2023

9/18/2023 Sins of the Father

       Yesterday I read a disturbing story from Nevada. A retired cop from Southern California was deliberately run over by teenagers  driving a car. He was on his bike.. Their phones recorded it and them planning to do it. After they killed him they simply laughed about it.    WTF

     When committing to have a kid you take on a herculean task. And you better have a ton of love to pour into the task of raising them. Without that love they may be future weeds that society will have to deal with. From the get go the kid watches and is picking up all your words and actions, they are slowly becoming you. Also there are always exception to the rule.  Boundaries have to be established and consequences explained to them.  Let them express their feelings to you and listen to them intently.  This is love in action. You as the parent make the time. Otherwise you may get the above story. Don't be a hypocrite,  kids wil pick it up immediately. When you put your kid in timeout explain to them why you did it. Give them 2 or 3 choices on differing timeouts. Get their feelings on why they did what they did.  After the timeout tell them how much you love them. Kids want boundaries. It is a form of comfort. No physical abuse or mental abuse ever. When you go there, everything is lost. For both of you.