Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dec/12/2020 Focus


    It's  the way to get things done.  I was always  a bad focuser.  Doing 3 to 4 projects at the same time, maybe finishing 2 of them. Being a focuser requires  self discipline. When you got that working for you, your life will run way more smoothly. 

    Select 1 thing you want to get done. Write it down on a pad with the month day and year. Then write how long you think you'll get it  done.  A week , a month, 6 months? After you get it done, see how long it actually  took you. No matter what keep pushing. If you run into a problem think your way around it. The answer  is around the corner.  Invite spirit in to help getting the answer.  Spirit will answer the call. Be vigilant  in recognizing  the help.

    It can be a slow  learning curve. One of my big problems was since I was 14  I didn't back were I got them. Pop would holler about it, but it didn't  solve  my problem. I guess hollering didn't  work.  It took decades to get a handle on it. But that's  ok you can go as fast or slow as you want. 

    I find focusing on 1 goal is the best possible way. Once you get that done its on to the next goal. You will be rewarded with satisfaction. And Spirit is always there  working behind the scenes on your behalf. It is that bond  that you want to recognize operating along with you. Whether it's  a small or very big problem.

    You can bring anything into your life an experience, person, or thing. Your choice, but then you have to be responsible for those choices.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Nov30/2020 Decision Time

     When you have a choice to make, write down what your gut said to do right away.  Do not finalize  your choice yet. Wait 3 days. Get someone you trust to tell you what they think.  At night before you go to bed ask to have a dream about it. What ever you remember write it down. It may not make sense but every once in awhile reread the dream. For yes and no answers you can use an animal.  Like lion for yes or tiger for no. So if your running from a tiger in the dream, you know that the answer to your question is a no. Another thing to do is pick a quiet spot and try to feel the answer, does the decision feel good or not.  A lot of times its  your first gut answer that winds up being the correct choice.

    The above was a refresher course for me. I didn't  do the above. My first instinct was don't  sell the truck.  But then my mind was going over the benefits of selling the not working truck. Was I really going to spend money I didn't  have in fixing the truck up. I was always hoping to get money in future to fix it up. Money didn't  come. So each year it was looking worse for wear. And taking up space.  So I got rid of it. Dumb me, I should of held up for more money.  Should have listened  to my gut. I had another truck like it 3 yrs younger, he wanted to buy that too.  I  was quick to say, not at this time. I needed this experience to remind me what to do in the future. So I'm sad and glad at the same time.  Learn your lesson and move on.

    Have a goal in mind.... write it down in a good journal that lays flat and leave it in your bedroom. Chart what you have done to make the goal materialize  in your life. If your stuck ask spirit for some help. It.  the answer may come from a dream or an experience you had during the day. Look for the answer. It will come.

    It is time to redirect.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Nov26/2020 A Day of Thanks


    This is the day when you look back on your life and remember. The bad and good things that have happened to you.  Each and every occurrence  has shaped you into who you are today.  Hopefully they have made a better you. I give thanks to my wife and parents and family.  They have all been blessings. The more you give thanks the more blessings are added to your plate.  Look back on the last 5 years and see if you have learned anything about yourself. Take an experience you went through, how did you handle it?  How looking back could you have made it better. And say you did learn a lesson, were you able to apply it to your future encounters. We are presented with challenges until we fully understand the  lesson why.

    There was this gal who's father was a drunk. That was her lot. When she got older she was attracted to a young man who had a problem with the bottle. She felt that she could fix him. Marriage 1 ended without her fixing him.  Next up same exact scenario and same ending.  After 4 relationships of the same pattern. She finally had to take a look at herself. She was trying  to fix the father by using the other guys. When she accepted her shortfalls it opened her up to a way better relationship. Each of those 4 guys gave her the opportunity  to see herself. Those 4 guys were blessings. Give thanks for the sometimes unseeing patterns that tie our life together. 


 That  negative experience over many years led her to the light.  And she went toward the light at her own speed.  You walk the rocky path until you find the smoother part. But one thing is for sure  you earned it.  You can look hard or not so hard to find something to be thankfull for. Think about those thankfull things not just for today but throughout  the coming days.

    As far as our nation goes,  2020 was a year to be thankfull for.  Back to the light after a taste of fake reality. Also thanks to all the first responders and scientists who worked on getting us the needed vaccine. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

Nov20/2020. Recycle anyone?

     A big truck grabs the bar of the recycle plastic can and lifts it up into the maw of the truck. He sets it down, but doesn't  extend the arm so the can is a couple inches from the side of the truck instead of a couple feet. He m I ves the big truck forward, catching the can and storving it in a bit. The 8 Inch bar is now at an angle instead of straight across the front of the can. It would of taken him 2 secs to extend the arm and put the can 2 ft in away from the road. Nope couldn't  do it. What the F. I get out my hammer and try to force the heavy plastic back into shape. It was a no go. Call the town.  They say they will replace it with a big can. I say I already have a big can. Give me a medium size can like the one I got. Nope they don't  make it anymore. I went to have lunch. I woul use my weed eating torch to heat the plastic and pound back to shape. An hour later go outside and look at the can. Can't  believe it, its back to it's  original shape. The 8 inch bar is no longer askew. The can is fixed. Only a small gouge on lid is there. It's  a miracle. Thanks spirit!

Nov18/2020 Gas

         It's  what keeps the vehicle moving for most vehicles. One day I decided to explore  west toward California.  I had a cap on my pickup bed. I would sleep in there. No heat. Beginning of my trip I was in the Appalachians. That night it went down to 15 degrees. Boy I felt every one of those ice degrees. Couldn't  wait for the sun to come up. I lifted up the cap hatch and looked out, everything was pure white to the tune of 4 inches.  Pretty nice cold sight.

    I made it to St Louis. Underground is a museum at the arch. I took in a movie on how the arch was built. They built it in two stages. The left and the right and they were built at the same time meeting up in the air at the mid point. The builders had to  meet perfectly at the apex, no room for error. They were welded at site, many sections of stainless steel. The base they made would allow them to adjust the sculpture by moving It's  base  to  meet up with the opposing  half arch. Super great movie.

     I was in western New Mexico at a  rest stop. Had breakfast  and headed back onto the interstate. I get a nudge to fill up eventhough I had a little less than 3/4 full. I figured  I could fill up later down the road. So I kept going. Hot desert driving. The sun bouncing off the hood would score me a nice headache at the end of the day. Should have traveled at night. At a 1/4 tank I kept an eye out for a gas station. No gas to be had, dammit. The needle of gas gauge would hit the very bottom and then bounce up to an 1/8 th of a tank full. Usually there is a 10 mile reserve left in tank when it hits zero. For a hundred miles the needdle would bounce from zero to an 1/8th of a tank. Eventually I saw a California cop parked at side of road giving someone a ticket. I tell him to keep an eye out for me, I didn't  think I was going to make a gas station. But there was one up ahead. 100 miles riding on empty... wow. 

    When I got back home, one day I was low on gas. I was near  my old high school. I watched the needle hit the E for empty. That was it the truck stopped. No bouncing needle this time. I walked a quarter mile to get gas. Spirit had my back, back in Calufornia.  At that time I didn't  know about spirit. But it knew me.

    A friend of mine was in the Navy. I guess it was his 4th year. He just completed a double shift. He was out before his head hit the pillow.  The next day was a Saturday, his day off. He didn't  drive his car for a week.  He was sitting in his sport car stewing about his life. He made up his mind, he was going about, he turns the key  no gas. He can't  believe it. His whole life he was a topper. A person who loves to see a full gas tank. He would fill up even if he needed only 2 gals. He just stared in disbelief..... the ways of spirit. He did quit the navy.  A year later, Honorable discharge.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Nov17 2020 Two Americas

     I thought about this when I woke up last week. From my bathroom window I watch the birds at my bird feeder doing their thing. Nice peacefull sight until the occasional hawk pays a visit. Well they gotta eat too you know.

    The dream was me looking out the bathroom window. A bald eagle descends and makes its kill of a rabbit on the grass to the left of the bird feeder. Then a snake rears up 6 inches in front of my window its head morphs into a pewter dragon head. The snake slash dragon is after a kitten on the window ledge. It gets it and starts to strangle it.

    My interpretation  is this. England is the Lion, France the Cock,  Russia the Bear.  US the Eagle. The US as the eagle does it's  instinctive action, what is expected of its  nature.  The snake/dragon is abnormal  another word would be Evil.  A kitten is cute and lovable.  The kitten is democracy and freedom.  An Evil now permeates  our society corrupting everything  it touches .

    It begins with you! When you arise in the morning ask spirit to show you the truth as it applies to everything that affects your life.  You put out good will, it will come back to you. Let's  say your on the road someone cuts you off, you curse and shake your fist at them. Well either later in the day or sometime in the near future  you will do the same to someone else. For the most part I let people merge in. In return through the months, people let me merge in.

    Once there was this woman who was easy going. She was getting these bad words in her head as she was driving to work. This was not her, she asked spirit what was going on? Spirit told her it was the thoughts of the other drivers. Thats the state of our consciousness.  It's  a terrible place to be 'swimming ' in. We don't  have to be a part of this toxic soup. We always have a choice in how  to  conduct ourselves. It only takes a second.

    CarefulI  in picking your battles. Sometimes you have  to stick up for yourself. If someone  is pressuring you to do something your not keen on doing. Do not do it! My friend  Karen was pressured to come see her relatives  in a state a thousand miles away. She hesitated  in going. She let her mind talk her out of her initial impulse. She went and they turned  on her. They had their doctors and lawyers box her up and quickly stashed her in a home. The house that she treasured was stolen from her. You get a strong impulse to do an action, please Listen  for your sake.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Nov/01/2020 The Slide


    It was last Friday Oct 30.  It was drizzling,  I'm in my old truck going down a small hill. Up ahead are cars waiting on the light. Hit the brakes and the truck is sliding on down and I'm  about to strike the rear of a passenger van. I call out God's  name and the truck stopped. It didn't look good, I braced for the hit even though I was going about 4 miles an hr. Oh it was God Allright that had my back. I thanked him alot.  I'm  going to have to get better rubber on those wheels way sooner than later. In dry weather the truck stops fine. The tires aren't  bald, they just need thicker tread.

    My day would gave been pretty crummy had I hit that person. Thanks God for all the seen and unseen things that you do for me.

    Turns out a couple days later,  I hear a grinding coming from the front brakes. 400 dollars lighter I now  have new brakes , everything replaced. It wasn't  the tires. Rear brakes will be next when I get the money. Front brakes  do most of the braking. Replace these first.