Thursday, September 21, 2023

9/21/2023 This Old Shoe

       I had these black shoes a real long time. I kept them good. They went with me to funerals, weddings as well as my own wedding and times I went out. Today I was putting them on for a wake this time. It was for my pop. The guy who was always there for me. One of the best guys I ever met. He was in a class all his own. For pop it was always about family. He had his priorities in order. He shown brighter than any diamond. Today I would give that talk. I would start it off by talking about soul who we are, then about my experiences with pop.  Running late per usual. I was heading upstairs and when I got to the carpeted landing, my ankle turned in a bit. Like I stepped on a stone.  I look back and see a small pile of dirt on the carpet. What the heck is that. I touch the soft black stuff and it's crumbly. I take my shoe off and half my heal is missing. Why now I say. Quickly I pulled on my old brown shoes. An hour later I got it.  My sole fell apart and today I would be talking about soul.

      We are spiritual beings having a physical existence. When we look in the mirror God is looking back.  He is omnipresent in all things. Divine spirit passes messages to his creation. Look in that mirror and tell  God what it is that you desire. Do it when you wake up and before bed.  Do your due diligence  and it will come your way.  By talking to the mirror you will strengthen that connection to God. It is a very good thing to develop. He can help you make the best decisions for your life. When you get inner nudges, follow them whether pro or con. When this bond sets up your life will be way better than it was before. You will learn that you are not alone, he is the one constant you can count on. Trust the process. The above 3 words I got when recently I was lamenting my current no good situation.  I don't remember how I  got those words but I got it and it fit.

Monday, September 18, 2023

9/18/2023 Sins of the Father

       Yesterday I read a disturbing story from Nevada. A retired cop from Southern California was deliberately run over by teenagers  driving a car. He was on his bike.. Their phones recorded it and them planning to do it. After they killed him they simply laughed about it.    WTF

     When committing to have a kid you take on a herculean task. And you better have a ton of love to pour into the task of raising them. Without that love they may be future weeds that society will have to deal with. From the get go the kid watches and is picking up all your words and actions, they are slowly becoming you. Also there are always exception to the rule.  Boundaries have to be established and consequences explained to them.  Let them express their feelings to you and listen to them intently.  This is love in action. You as the parent make the time. Otherwise you may get the above story. Don't be a hypocrite,  kids wil pick it up immediately. When you put your kid in timeout explain to them why you did it. Give them 2 or 3 choices on differing timeouts. Get their feelings on why they did what they did.  After the timeout tell them how much you love them. Kids want boundaries. It is a form of comfort. No physical abuse or mental abuse ever. When you go there, everything is lost. For both of you.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

9/17/2023 Blended

      So I like to put 10 squirts of honey in my decaf coffee in the morning. Honey is usually over $ 8.00 a bottle.  At Walmart I get a small little bear shape plastic honey bottle for about 3.50. One day at Dollar Tree, I see the bear bottle honey for 1.25. It went from 1.00 to 1.25 around March 23. Recently Dollar Tree said it was going to bring some items back down to 1.00. I shifted to grocery stores because their particular items I could get for a dollar. Back to the honey. My wife asked for an unopened honey. I gave her one. Later she says do you no it's not pure honey. No I did not. It's honey and corn syrup. The later is not good for you. So I got tricked, thinking the bear bottle was like the one at Walmart. Dollar Tree calls it blended syrup. Honey and corn syrup made in India. That's what happens when you assume. No such thing as cheap honey.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

9/14/2023 Here's A Good Tip

       Don't microwave plastic. Even if it says it's microwaveable. Little particles come off of it. You don't need that in your system. Maybe one day they will make a safer plastic that can be microwavable. I just got rid of all my microwavable plates that the grocery store packs their food in. From now on I will heat up food in a ceramic dishware.

      Many decades ago I talked to a guy who did research on foods. At the time he said the plastic milk bottles leach small amounts of chemicals into the milk. I still bought the milk in the plastic jugs. Years later I would see plastics that starting saying BPA free. It's a form of bad plastic that was also put into baby bottles. The glass bottle is the best. There is no bleed through. 

      I took action on the microwave stuff because I remembered that ta with the scientist. I still get milk in pasta bottle but iw I also will get milk in a cardboard like box. You can't get away from plastic because it's everywhere. Even in your clothes. Polyester namely. I try to get clothes without this material.

       After 10 years probably best to get a new microwave. Over time the seals around the door will wear causing more radiation leakage. Also don't stand next to the machine while it's in operation. It is a very versatile aid in the kichen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9/13/2023 Revenge

       You heard the saying revenge is a desert best served cold. It means to take your revenge a little more time down the road instead of right now. There is also in seeking revenge it is best to dig 2 graves, meaning you become the victim as well. And the best revenge is living well.

      This revenge story is about the first one. A woman worked for this garden shop. The employees had a dislike for the boss all along for one reason or another. She wound up getting fired. There was a bare bank of earth that was across from the garden center. She waited til after hours and planted daffodils  in the bank. It was late October. The next Spring they started to bloom. From the garden center one could see the flowers were arranged to read a colorful sentence.  John is a moron. Her ex boss.

    The next story was a guy got fired from work. He had to wait to get his money from these people, which he eventually did. Clients that he dealt with liked him. So he started up his own company and they came to him. He still has those clients and his company prospered. He is thankful to the ex boss. He wouldn't have started his company without of having that negative experience with the ex boss. Revenge is living well.

      And one more story. Gal gets hired and sells her house and moves 1000 miles for this new job opportunity. Well they let her go after 7mos. Eventhough she was doing her job satisfactorily. Then her mother gets sick, so she has to move back to her home state. While taking care of her mom, she finds a good job paying her more money than the last job. She does the right thing and gets rewarded back. 

     If your heart is in it, life works out. Sure there will be problems out there on the horizon. But keeping an open heart and mind will help in getting them resolved. Also call on divine help when needed. You do create your own reality.

Friday, September 8, 2023

9/8/2023 You Are Nothing Without Me

       A young German gal who was a model then was badgered into having an operation to extend her legs. The doctors gave her an additional 5 and a half inches to her frame. She was 5ft 6 inches tall to begin with. Now she stands almost 6 ft tall. Her boyfriend at the time would harangue her over and over about getting this operation done. He would say you are nothing without me. So she caved and had it done. They clean break your shin and put adjusting rods around the bone. They would extend the rods over time a tiny bit so calcium would form in-between.

      She was happy the way she looked prior. But she succumbed to the emotional abuse. The first thing in life is to develop a strong sense of self. Then protect that self worth. Anyone who badgers you to do something you don't want to do is no good.  Don't for your life and stay away. If you feel weak call on divine spirit for its protection. In the moment the words you use are  No more, I had enough. Learn to protect you. It's your life not theirs. Look in mirror and say I am loved, God loves me,  I am worthy. Do it every day.

     This story I read in Smart News.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

8/23/23 Maelstrom

       A violent swirling action surrounding a person. When this happens to you, do not move forward into it. The eye of the storm is the center where there is calm. This is where you want to be so you can make a better decision on what to do next. This place divine spirit can guide you. You say to divine spirit, well what's my next move. You may be told in words in your head or you can get a nudge to do something. Also you may hear someone scream out loud a word or two in what to do next. Example make a run for it. Then you start running.

      Long time ago, I was in NYC grand central terminal for first time. I was walking through the cavernous hall of the terminal. Not that many people around. There were solid  doors to my left. I opened one of the doors, 300 feet away was a wall of people 40 feet across walking briskly right toward me. A deer in the headlights, I hesitated, then stepped back into the concourse slamming the door. I quick stepped off to the side next to a back wall. The doors all flew open at once with the hoarde piling out. Hundreds them. It was wall to wall sea of people. But I was safe. Preservation first.

      If your life is about to enter a troubling time. Spend time in the center each day and get clues from divine spirit in how to proceed. Asking other people is not always the best way.  Everybody sees things differently. Divine Spirit sees the best way for you. Listen to it. This center is where you want to make decisions even if there is no maelstrom out there. You have to protect you. If you have a family well the kids come first. Focus on the important things. Health, food and shelter. How to get it and how to keep it for the future. It takes planning. Divine spirit can help you get and keep it. It does take work on your part. Believe in the help that is there. Take 5- 10 minutes when you wake up. Sit in a chair invite divine spirit in and ask a question. Write the question down. At sometime during the near future the answer should appear to you. By doing this every day you will get good with it. Many benefits will come your way.

Take care of the 3 things first. Health, Food & Shelter. Then the other wants you may have. Doing this will make for a more enjoyable journey for your life. It does come with difficult times but they can be surmounted in an easier way. Just remember to always keep asking for the best answer. Don't  let other people dissuade you in your quest to do right by you. Shut them out!

     Enjoy the sunny days but be prepared for the coming storm clouds as well.