Friday, January 1, 2021

Jan 1/2021 The New Year 2021


     The last couple of years have been tough. But going through hard times makes us stronger. Just like a moth climbing out of it's  cocoon. The struggle makes the wings strong and beautiful. For some of us we too can be the moth or butterfly. Now is the time to make that change. Change in focus. Change in attitude.  Change in direction. Change for the better.

    Let go of negative  people or limit your time with them. Let go of pettiness, not needed.  Let go of worry, very very hard to do. Let go of bad experiences. Remember  though  the lesson you got from them. Let go of self doubt. Let go of bitterness. Let go of being childish. Take responsibility  for your actions.  Let go of poverty.  Let go of indiciviness. Let go surliness. Let go of vindictiveness.

  Take chances.  Let go.... let God.  Try reading this post every day.  It's  short and sweet and to the point.

It has to be driven deep into your subconious. When you come up to a predicament. ASK how would___________ respond.  Fill in the space with someone you hold in high regard.

 Then is the time to take action.  And better results will unfold.  With patience and gratitude  the world will open up to you.  No matter who you are, many great adventures await you.  It is time to take the bull by the horns.     For you are worthy.     Remember that  always .

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dec 29/2020 I'll get thru This

     Anytime you're  up against the wall. And things look bleak. You say out loud   I Will Get Through This. Then proceed during the day thinking what can I do to help myself.  Try to act on what comes to your mind.  It's hard  but necessary.  On a piece of paper record the actions you took to remedy the situation.  In the future you will be able to look back here in your notes and see how you helped  yourself.  Always use spirit when you're at a sticking  point.  When you leave the house you always take your keys, phone  and wallet.  Well the most important thing to take  is spirit.  Put it in your back seat. This is the back seat driver you want in your life.   It can help with future bumps that lay ahead of you, that you can't  see.  But it can foresee   Ask and it will give you a warning.

    During these covid times,  I've  been using  spirit  every other day.  Relying on it more than I've  ever done in the past. Actually you should rely on it every day. It will be better for your piece of mind. This experience with covid should be a very  huge wakeup  call for us. Government can't  do everything for us. Were going to have to think about our own future and be better prepared for it. We have to play the what if scenario. Storing necessities  for  6 months in advance. Building on savings.  If your job is not giving you enough money, it's time to move on.  The last 3 hardships having been ratcheted up each time.   9/11 , mortgage  meltdown  07-08, and now covid.

    The time is now to make our lives better. All you have to do , is to want to do it. Do something today that will bring some little bit of happiness i n to your life. It can be anything. Like putting some real flowers into a vase. Or doing something  nice for somebody else.  By focusing on others takes the onus off of us.  Our mood starts to lighten. When this happens other good things can come into your life in the near future.  It's  good for the other person and you as well.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Dec26/2020 Its A Wonderfull

     Life.     Yes it can be.  The movie wasn't  a success when it came out in 1946.  And lost a half million dollars promptly.  Stewart blamed 25 yr old Donna Reed for the flop.  And he  never did another movie with her  again. Huh??  Why this movie wasn't  a success, I have no idea why.  When I first  saw it I thought it was brilliant.  It became one of my top five favorite films.

    The consciousness  of the public didn't  get it. Maybe people just didn't  want to feel.  Numb from the ups and downs and uncertainties  of the war. It took another 25 years to register with the public When expectations fall far short. It doesn't  matter. If the product is good, the seed will eventually bear fruit.  As it did in this case.

    One December day I was watching the movie again on public broadcasting station.  They were also  raising  money for  the station. I noticed during the film there was a missing 10 min section of the movie.  The film  must of broke and it was spliced minus the missing section.  It was live TV. The host came on to help in raising funds. She said, oh your so angry about the missing part of the film. Really,   part of the TV audience  was in an uproar! Come on already. You let one negative event ruin your peace of mind.  Anger is the little you, the big ego trying to exert and control its  environment.  When your in that mode watch out! You have just removed yourself  from your connection to spirit!

    It happened to me. A friend of mine pulled a fast one on me. He sold a car of mine out from under me. I got in my car and headed to his place in a foul mood. I confronted him and did some fantastic yelling. I then left to go home. While in car I felt like I was  struggling to breathe and getting light headed. I stopped the car and walked a little bit on side of road breathing deeply. I recovered quickly.  I knew if I didn't  I could have crashed the car. I recognized  I cut myself off from spirit's protection by my angers.

    George Bailey did the same thing and almost lost his life, divine intervention gave him a second chance. George then appreciated  his life after it was taken from him.  A lesson in being grateful  for the blessings in one's  life.  For George Bailey it was the loss of bank money, for us it was a loss of Americans  and our way of life in 2020. Hopefully 2021 will give us our lives back. It was our actions that made 2020 even worse than it had to be. THINK about that.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Dec25/2020 Sardines

     It's  a small silvery fish.  A  poor fishing village along the  Venezuelan coast is struggling  to make ends meet.  Many people  are malnourished.  The staples of life are in short supply. Not too long ago, a fisherman saw something glint near the water as the sun set. He ran his fingers through the wet sand and pulled up a gold chain with the virgin Mary affixed  to it. He sold it for food for his family. And the word spread through out the village. Many came to the surf running their hands in the sand. Many got gold rings. Not long after the findings became more rare. They were thinking Spanish gold from centuries ago. Nope, turns out it was 18 kt gold from around 1950. 

    This village pulls together.  When the fishing boats bring in their sardine catch. The residents begin to clean the fish.  A good day for  sea gulls  and residents alike. The government  gives them peanuts for their catch. Which explains their malnourished. The villiagers who can't  fish are given their share of the fish. They all pull together. The young man who first found the medallion gave thanks to God. No matter where you are God will find you and lend a helping hand. This episode occurred last September. But God can be there for you all months of the year.  Know it, Believe it. Ask for the help.  Whether it's  a sardine or a chunk of gold.

    I thought  that this true story would be the perfect Christmas  Story for a hard year   2020.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Dec 16/2020 Oh No! More Stuff


    Nine times out of 10, the stuff owns you. Not the other way around.

    A friend of mine took a trip to the Rocky mountains. It was a guided wagon trip. On the trail she found an elk horn. She knew it would look good over the fireplace.  She was tickled pink on her fabulous find. They wouldn't  let her put it in the wagon.  She had to carry it. After 1 mile she would pass  it off to her husband. Each one would do a mile. This was a 2 week trip. After about the third day or so, that horn got heavier and heavier. They were more focused  on their burden than the grandiose  views all around them.

    The fourth day she lifts the horn. There was still a week left to  go. Was it worth it?  The horn hit the earth with a definitive thud. Til this day it probably hasn't  moved one quarter  of an inch since. The reward looked less appealing.  The rest of the trip she felt so much lighter and had a great time.

    As a funny aside to this story. During the night she had to use the outhouse  that the mule pulled. She did her business and as she went to exit, the door would not open. She slept off and on sitting in the commode. In the morning her husband got  up and moved the mule that had it's  backside up against the door. Free at last  into the brisk mountain air she  descended. Turning to her husband you had to be a heavy sleeper didn't  you. Those unhappy events made the trip memorable. Everything looks good in hind sight. Right?

    It was approaching  moving day.  I boxed all my books. Took a couple days. Then I got 2 of my friends to help me move 30 miles. It took us the whole weekend 16hr days. Boy those guys  were tired. Ten years later I moved Again, dragging my books again. Three years later moved again. I looked at those books and I said that's it I'm  not moving them again. So I went about selling off my hoard to a guy who had way more books than me. He had some expensive books that he stored in a climate controlled  storage unit. He said that someone he trusted took some of his important books. You have to be on your guard at all times.

    I had a friend who had alot of nicknacks everywhere in his house. He said look at this. He showed me a 1 inch dot on his hutch. The dot was clean wood and around the dot was heavy dust. Someone stole it. I said did you ever tell anyone about this little nicknack? He said yes a woman acquaintance  of his. I said she took it. He told her once it was worth 150 dollars. When you have something precious ..... keep your mouth shut. 

    That same friend of mine got me a job at his friends house. An older woman was being moved out of her townhouse. I saw her grand kids packing up these artistic plates that hang on walls.  I overheard the older woman saying what is happening  to my collection. I found out later . They were saying how much money they were making on each  plate from the internet. If you don't  keep track of your stuff, it tends to go bye-bye.

    Enjoy your life. Your experiences. Your activities. Your relationships. This is what matters most. It is your reward. And if it's  not  up to snuff. Tell spirit what is that you would like.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dec/12/2020 Focus


    It's  the way to get things done.  I was always  a bad focuser.  Doing 3 to 4 projects at the same time, maybe finishing 2 of them. Being a focuser requires  self discipline. When you got that working for you, your life will run way more smoothly. 

    Select 1 thing you want to get done. Write it down on a pad with the month day and year. Then write how long you think you'll get it  done.  A week , a month, 6 months? After you get it done, see how long it actually  took you. No matter what keep pushing. If you run into a problem think your way around it. The answer  is around the corner.  Invite spirit in to help getting the answer.  Spirit will answer the call. Be vigilant  in recognizing  the help.

    It can be a slow  learning curve. One of my big problems was since I was 14  I didn't back were I got them. Pop would holler about it, but it didn't  solve  my problem. I guess hollering didn't  work.  It took decades to get a handle on it. But that's  ok you can go as fast or slow as you want. 

    I find focusing on 1 goal is the best possible way. Once you get that done its on to the next goal. You will be rewarded with satisfaction. And Spirit is always there  working behind the scenes on your behalf. It is that bond  that you want to recognize operating along with you. Whether it's  a small or very big problem.

    You can bring anything into your life an experience, person, or thing. Your choice, but then you have to be responsible for those choices.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Nov30/2020 Decision Time

     When you have a choice to make, write down what your gut said to do right away.  Do not finalize  your choice yet. Wait 3 days. Get someone you trust to tell you what they think.  At night before you go to bed ask to have a dream about it. What ever you remember write it down. It may not make sense but every once in awhile reread the dream. For yes and no answers you can use an animal.  Like lion for yes or tiger for no. So if your running from a tiger in the dream, you know that the answer to your question is a no. Another thing to do is pick a quiet spot and try to feel the answer, does the decision feel good or not.  A lot of times its  your first gut answer that winds up being the correct choice.

    The above was a refresher course for me. I didn't  do the above. My first instinct was don't  sell the truck.  But then my mind was going over the benefits of selling the not working truck. Was I really going to spend money I didn't  have in fixing the truck up. I was always hoping to get money in future to fix it up. Money didn't  come. So each year it was looking worse for wear. And taking up space.  So I got rid of it. Dumb me, I should of held up for more money.  Should have listened  to my gut. I had another truck like it 3 yrs younger, he wanted to buy that too.  I  was quick to say, not at this time. I needed this experience to remind me what to do in the future. So I'm sad and glad at the same time.  Learn your lesson and move on.

    Have a goal in mind.... write it down in a good journal that lays flat and leave it in your bedroom. Chart what you have done to make the goal materialize  in your life. If your stuck ask spirit for some help. It.  the answer may come from a dream or an experience you had during the day. Look for the answer. It will come.

    It is time to redirect.