It only comes from within. You don't have to go to far points around the globe. It's there for you 24 hrs a day every day. Make that place within you, were you see yourself via visualization in a nice peacefull place where you can commune with your higher self. That's the one that is not selfish and the one that you try to aspire to. Doing this daily will bring you close to that ideal being which is you. Any problem that you may be experiencing can be brought here. The answers will come by doing this. Usually it's a quiet voice but not always. Try to listen to that little voice or nudge. In the world you might get that nudge either to speak up or to be quiet. Heed to those nudges. Monitor your speech, you want to be kind in speech and deed.
The temple is within you always. It's the only real temple. Just you and your higher power. Doesn't get any simpler than that. You don't need any organized entity to go to. By going to the real temple within, you will feel complete and secure in your place in the world.. It's there waiting for you to enter. It may take time but that's the price to pay for your upliftment.
The problems that you have are not blockages but stepping stones to help you make better choices for your future. Look at it that way instead. In life there are many teaching moments to be had. Look listen and learn. The new you will evolve from this endeavor. Plus write down your experiences.