Tuesday, June 9, 2020

6/09/2020 It. Ain't So Bad

    Many times when Iv'e felt sorry for myself, I would think about other people who have it far worse than me. People who have suffered floods, tornadoes, hurricanes,  fires and accidents. That would recenter me and let me see how trivial my problem really was.  I would feel much better.

    One day I was cutting someone's grass a long long time ago. When I finished I laid down on the grass for 15 minutes and stared at the blue sky and puffy white clouds go by.  I told myself to always come back to this day and remember. Many times in the future I did come back to that day. It did help. Always remember to take a little quite time for yourself throughout your weeks. It's a needed time to refresh your soul. It gives your life a little bit of spice. There's more to life than always being on the go, rushing here to there. I got to do this, I got to do that. Slow it down a little. Give yourself some slack. Over time you will see yourself less strained, more at peace with yourself and able to laugh more. When you are tense, it's hard to grasp something new that comes your way. Also, being in a tense mode may prevent you seeing something good that comes your way. And many times something has to be removed from you, so that something new can take its place. Thing or a person.

    The story that precipitated this blog, I read today online.  March 8 2020 some guy in Jakarta got himself into a smelly inconvenience. The guy ran a septic cleaning business from his house.  After his rounds he returned home, there he removed a metal door to the truck's tank setting off an explosion. Crap rained down upon his neighbors covering cars, homes and yards. Where there once was green was now stained brown. The neighbors were all poooped out after cleaning all day. In life we don't know what's coming around the corner. We make the best of it And hope there is no poop truck ahead in our future.

Monday, June 8, 2020

6/08/2020. Don't Quit

    Yesterday Debra and I went for our half hr walk.  Blue skies and 76 degrees. Fabulous.  Twenty minutes after we got back, she said she lost her bracelet that she just made. She uses needles to thread the sea beads into a tight flat band. She incorporated an indian girl into the bracelet. The indian girl was also made of sea beads which are very small. We looked around the house and no luck.  I said get in the car, were going back,she said you don't have to. I said if you don't try there is zero chance of finding it. On our way back to the walk site, I asked spirit for it's assistance. I parked where I did last time and we looked around, nothing. I would rewalk the walk and she would drive behind me, most of our walking was in the street.  This walk I picked up the pace. Sometimes during the walk I got a little nervous with her getting a little too close to me with the car. Three quarters into the walk still no bracelet. I turned the corner and walked the macadam sidewalk this time. I passed near a house that had it's sprinkler system working, the sidewalk was now wet. It was a large property. As I'm nearing the end of the property, there it is one wet bracelet. Pick it up turn to my gal whose in the car, show the missing band to her. She's freaking out, I never thought you would find it!. That there is one happy gal. It was good for me too, I got out of the dog house.  She said did you see that 8 yr old boy standing near you,  I said no. She said he was right there as you were getting in the passenger side door. He had his hands on his hips with an expression like what are you doing here? I didn't see a thing. My focus was not there. Even though he was 3 ft from me. I thought later, boy I just got there in time to pickup the bracelet or he might have gotten it. Thanks spirit.    Once again........ don't quit!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

6/07/2020. Thanks. from Me

    Yesterday was D Day June 6th 1944. The day that started the eventual downfall of fascism  in Europe. During this invasion over 60000 allied troops gave their lives and sustained injuries in this noble pursuit of ridding the world of evil born in Hitler. This one man, made people forget that they themselves are responsible for their lot in life. It's so easy to blame others than to take responsibility for your own conduct.

    I didn't see these events transpire. But benefitted from them nonetheless. I would not have been happy growing up in a world of fascists. So I say thanks to the greatest generation for all their sacrifices, for surely you made the world a far far better place!

6/07/2020 Be Carefull What You Wish For

    Good example is what the president wished for, a wall between the US and Mexico. Not only that but it was going to be free of charge to the US since Mexico was going to be paying for it. Too good to be true....you think? And the wall started to get built by taking money from the Pentagon and giving it to contractors. A couple yrs later the steel wall is starting to look good for a wall that is.  One problem though, the Mexicans started to dig under it, climb over it and cut through it with battery operated reciprocating saws. Oh well if there's a will, there's a way. Millions of dollars of wall to be undone by a hundred dollar reciprocating saw. Did anybody do a benefit  risk assessment...I guess not.

    Today..... there is finally a completed wall constructed. It's built around the Whitehouse. Who would have thunk it. Carefull what you wish for. Barriers are put up when people fear the unknown. A barrier means you cut yourself off from the world. Progress comes to a halt. Decay sets in, especially in the mind. And paranoia will come to roost. It's all down hill from then on. Watch Out! Nothing good comes when you sit upon the throne of fear.

    Wake Up! Operate from love and be of good cheer. You have heard it so many times surely it must of sunk into the American psyche by now.  I repeat the phrase once again,  do unto others what you would have them do on to you. It's so simple. When you wake up, say onto spirit be my guide today in my daily thoughts and actions. How can I make my world a better place for me and my fellow earth travellers. Make the change but start where you sit in the morning. And work on you with your best friend spirit's helping guidance. Almost everybody judges to some sort of degree. When dealing with others look to see if their words and deeds match. If you get stuck on some troubling question you might have, ask spirit  for some help on this particular issue. Spirit will work for everybody's benefit once invited in. Put out the welcome mat today.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

6/02/2020 What's a Little Paint

    Been out of state for awhile. When I got to my destination, I noticed that one of my wooden flags had a peeling paint problem.  I made two flags during a previous trip, out of scrap wood. The one flag,had no peeling paint.  So here's a tip, paint with a primer on bare wood then two coats of latex paint,exterior grade. Paint all sides of your boards, including edges. This action will give your project more life. The second flag, I only painted one side and the edges. Not good enough. In one year it peeled badly. I scraped and sanded the flag. I got white latex paint and painted the back side of the flag and also the white stripes on front of flag.

    The red and yellow paint was needed to finish flag. The two paints were dried up. I only had two days to finish the flag. It looked hopeless, but I asked spirit for help. It didn't come the first day but I had an opportunity  the next day. I went to the back of the Wallmart where the paint section was. The paints were too much money, then I remembered to try the craft section. Most of the craft paints and supplies were gone because of the corona virus, people looking for things to do. I see 2 tubes in a plastic pouch, it is an orangey red,I take 1. Looking around I spot the only tube of yellow. Then 10 art brushes in a blister package. I got all 3 items for 3 dollars plus tax. Pretty good.

    I get home it's drizzling so have to paint flag in the garage. I put the red on and it's a perfect match, I can't believe it. Then the yellow, also a perfect match. I wasn't expecting that, I was shooting for something close instead I hit jackpot  with spirit's help of course. Thankyou spirit!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5/26/2020 Being a Buttinski

    I was at a strip mall one day, nice day in my pick up truck. Came down a lane and stopped at the road that parallels the stores fronts. Some vehicle was blocking my view from my right. I inched my way forward making sure I don't get hit from the right. Give it a little gas as I bring my eyes back to left, I see a woman step off the sidewalk into street, slam brake hard. The woman gave a short scream. She was  8 ft from me. Sorry I say. The young husband who was trailing behind, came forward and started cursing me out. I said nothing. He tried to open door but instead used his fist on my big side mirror still cussing his fool head off. I said nothing. The wife and guy walk to their car, when they are 50 ft away,  I say something, real loud.... God bless You!!  That did it, the curses were ten times louder than before. Stepped on gas and got the heck out of there. I thought, I hope that wife paid attention to what happened. This time his anger was addressed to me, maybe in the future, she will be the recipient.

    It was dusk at a mega mall, I was sitting in my truck. Not too many cars in the parking lot. A family comes to their car 100 ft from mine. The 8 yr old is screaming in Spanish ( I don't speak it). The father takes his belt off and starts to hit the kid. I don't know what to do. In my head I get turn your high beams on. I didn't listen. It was a good idea though. They left in a couple minutes. I stopped myself intervening because of the language barrier. I berated myself over it, should have gone over there and took away the belt. In hindsight if I did that, it would have been worse for the kid later on. I vowed next time there would be action on my part.

    I'm at a huge outlet park walking a distance thru the parked cars. It was summer and hot and there in the back seat are cute as can be, one yr old twins, sleeping in their car seats. The car locked and windows rolled up. That does it!!!  I'm going to wait till they get back, the kids looked alright. Otherwise it would have been one smashed window. I wait. Then I spot store security in his car, I keep waving at him, he comes down. He's yourg. Twenties. I say to him, I think it's a law in this state you can't leave your kids in car alone. I got this he says. Good. I walk away to a spot 20  ft away, watching. Ten minutes later the couple returns. The guard takes charge. What you did was wrong. The couple say, it was only ten minutes. The guard, I don't care if it was 5 mins or I min. I was proud of that kid. Better it came from a person in authority than from me. Spirit gave me that guard at the right time. It's what you call perfect timing. A lot of times, that's how spirit works/ amazing isn't it.

Monday, May 25, 2020

5/25/2020 Did You Say Ghost

    Ghosts are harbingers of people that have come and gone. They are souls, that have not fully transitioned to the next world. They still have an interest in this world for one reason or another. When they're ready, they will move on.

    I was on this spiritual topic site, when a male asked what's going on, I'm freaking out here! He was in his 20s and he saw his recently departed friend walk up the steps inside his house. Most responded don't text me, stay away from me. I wrote that your buddy was showing you that theres more to life than meets the eye. Nothing to be afraid of. He didn't write anymore. One gal responded with, I like the way you handled it, all the other so called spirit minded people dropped the ball. I said thank you.

    I lived in a mid 19th century house. I was looking for a house to buy. I passed this house to my right as I entered this town, I said what idiot would by this house. I looked at a house a little off the beaten track. The realtor said I could check it out. I crawled into the crawl space and saw that the joists were ate up by powder post beatles, not good. But I can handle it. I put it on my maybe Iist. Back in town I was talking to someone who went on to tell me,  that a murder occured there not to long ago. WHAT? I go back to the realator what are you crazy! He said he wasn't allowed to say anything. Just great. Find another house about 5 miles away. Looks good. Plus I get all the furniture with it. Go there the next week to check it out, before I hand over the down payment. It rainied hard the previous day, look into crawl space water up to the joists. Deals off!  You see, spirit had my back, bringing down all that rain. Looked at other houses. Then I said well I'll look at that first house I saw. Well,  this is the idiot who bought that house. Mid 19th century here I come. House was cheap and had a lot of problems. No problem. I noticed some small holes above a door in the living room. The previous owner told me how they got there. His wife's boyfriend paid a call carrying a rifle or shotgun. He was resting on the couch and got up to answer the knock. The fight was on. Wrestling with the gun. Bam! There's your bullet holes in the plaster. Cops took away the boyfriend. I decided not to patch those holes after all. That previous owner got a divorce and had a good life after all. After almost becoming a ghost himself.

    This town was wierd, all the houses were painted white, even mine. It was like entering a Clint Eastwood movie. Time warp. First thing I do is get a new roof on it. Contract it out. Tell him the asphalt shingles I want. Three days later, he says he can't get them. I find them but they're 250 miles away. I'd have to rent a big truck to do it. I was thinking about it. The contractor says to me, how about for no extra charge I get you a 45yr rated shingle. Initially it was a 25yr shingle. I slept on it. My heart wanted the first shingle but my common sense said shingle number 2. I went with common sense and I was so glad I did. Here's a tip. Your paying for the labor, ergo get the longer lasting shingle. No 20 or 25 yr old lasting shingles.Job  looked great! Now it was on to get rid of the white on the house. I chose a med tone greyish brown with burgundy shutters. One paint job let the town know who I was. My own person. So, I was painting this heavy wood window that I could reach by standing on the side porch's roof. A full heavy gal of white trim paint rested on the flat window sill. Most sills are tilted down to shed water, not this one. The can is just 1 in over the lip of the sill It's solidly planted there. I was painting the cornice as well. Blue sky, no wind, perfect day. As I'm coming back to can of paint, the whole can starts to lift up and tilt toward my new roof. I catch it, just in time. Not a drop hit the roof. I set it back in it's original position on the window sill. I told the gaI I was with, what happened. She was used to such happenings. The soul told her, he wanted to talk to her and that he moved the paint can to make his contact happen. No harm was done by the movement of paint can. I did not deny what I witnessed.

    I would see flashes out of the corner of my eye, always near an old mirror that was attached to wall. Either moving into or away from the mirror. One day, I unscrewed it from wall and smashed the large mirror onto the grass. It's hard to explain but feeling of the room was much lighter. I had a friend who was staying at the house and he offered to smoke evil spirits away. I thought couldn't hurt, so I let him do it. From that day on there was a lightness about the place. And no other incidents occured. It worked for me.

    As for actually seeing a ghost, I never did.