Saturday, May 20, 2023

5/20/2023 More About Focus

       To live fully, one has to be focused on the present because that is where we are suppose to live. Focus is hard. I know. I'm guilty in so many ways throughout my life. I did get things done in some areas of my life.

     So I moved a small store size plastic bag and made it a trash bag that I push pinned to my bedroom wall. It was there for over a decade. Now I stuck it to wall next to my desk. So everyday I still walk trash to the door to dump small items into bag. It's not there, it's now by my desk.  See how ritual can controll you. That old way of doing things can be a detriment to you. You have to evaluate everything that is important to you. Sit down and do it at least once a week. That is a good start in taking better control of your life. I started lifting a dumbell, 10 pounds. 2 years later I'm up to 20 pounds. I do about 20 minutes per day. I take my time. No strenuous activity on my part. After 2 years, I do see the difference and feel it as well. I'm  glad I kept it up. Now on to my finances, which are a disaster. Oh, I also 5 years ago tipped the scale at 260 on 5ft 10 frame. Yikes I said, thats it. I'm a foodie too. Next day started to cut down. Made it to 240 after 9 months then plateaued  for a year. Another push many months get down to 230. After 5 years I'm at 210. I am also glad I didn't give up. I learned a skill set and not to panic when I gain 5 or 10 pounds. Much to be said for sticktuvidiness and  FOCUS


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

5/17/2023 You Can Change

      Here's a quote from Karen Maezen Miller a zen teacher. "You can change in an instant. You can change your mind. You can change your timing. You can change your approach. You can change your words." I'll add one as well You can change your experiences or your reality.

     Try for yourself. Take one thing you would like to change. Then ask divine spirit please help me acquire said thing or experience. As you go about trying to make this shift talk to spirit about how your making the change. It is through your trying that happy coincidences can occur, getting you to that goal. Divine spirit will bring you a person, book , tv show or any other experience that is relevant to you.

     I had a big heavy sofa put out on the median strip next to the road out front. I asked spirit to help in getting rid of it. I wanted someone to take it to continue its life. I bought a 20 dollar tarp to cover it in the event of rain. Which I used for three weeks on and off. No takers. I'm out there one day and a guy stops. Is it free, I say yes. Hoping this is the guy. Does it have a fold out bed. No.  Alas, no sale. A week later from in my house I hear a crunch. Look out the garbage guy is feeding it into the maw of the truck. Two weeks ago I called the town about picking up the sofa. There is only 4 free big pick ups in the year. The last one was 2 weeks ago. I'd have to wait till beginning of July. She said we can come get it but you have to pay 45 dollars online first. I did not pay any 45 dollars. So I was surprised they took it. I thought my neighbor might of said something to the town but he didn't.

      Divine spirit took care of it, it's way. Thankyou spirit. I'm glad it's finally gone. Divine spirit will work with you in the little things as well as the big things.  Work with Divine spirit in changing your reality for your betterment.

       It's also fun to do.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

5/11/2023 Sad Beetle

      If you use bad seed, your yield come harvest time will be wanting. Such is the case with the late John Lennon.

      From a 1998 Telegraph  story.    Here's a quote from Julian Lennon. " I have to say from my point of view,  I felt dad was a hypocrite. " Dad could talk about peace and love out to the world but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the most to him : his wife and son. How can you talk about peace and love and have your family in bits and pieces--- no communication, adultery, divorce? You can't do it, not if your being true and honest with yourself.

    John Lennon's father left the family when John was 4 years old. He blamed himself. And never got over it. He mirrored his father in his treatment of his own son. He chose to do it. So something bad happened to John and he knew it. But he didn't know how to handle it. Therapy might of helped with him.  But it became ingrained in his psyche. He did no future introspection. To look within is hard but necessary to have a better life for yourself as well as others around you, in his case his own son.   How sad indeed.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

5/10/2023 Stress

      It's  no good for your body and your future endeavors.  Two quotes from the book Live and Learn and Pass It On.  I've learned that if I don't try new things.  I won't learn new things.  The other is I've learned that it's just as important to forget a wrong as it is to remember a kindness.

     Life is short.  It's best to make the best of it. The previous two quotes can get us there. Going through life with less stress. Look for things or experiences that cultivate that potential joy in your life. Also ask divine spirit to guide your way in your endeavors. Joy is experienced in the now. Look to your life and see what you can change to make it better for you.  Look at events or things and say either how can I make it better or do I really need this thing in my life.  Then  take action.  Also,  what did I learn from this experience or does this thing give me any joy at  all.  Another thing to remember is what you see in others exists in you. When you chastise someone, it's really about what is going on with you.  It's a great learning tool. So write down all of your criticisms of others and see how they pertain to your character. It's about seeing yourself. And accepting it. And then doing something to correct your defects. Spirit will put you in a situation, where you will have to confront it. If you didn't get it in one situation, you will find it again with someone else. We are like pieces of wood, getting our edges rubbed off by sandpaper ( our trying experiences). When the wood is sanded smooth, we will have learned greatly from the experiment called life in the lower worlds.


Friday, May 5, 2023

5/5//2023 A KEY Lesson

      Me and Keys have a problem.  And that problem is me. I misplace them every once in awhile. I meant to have my  truck key copied whenever I found myself in the Home Depot. I would always forget to do it. When I needed to drive my truck I would grab the key from the key rack that had just the 1 key with a ring and a green rectangle picture window that let you add a missive which was labeled Dodge. In the morning I opened truck to lower the windows for the day to air out. I put the key in my pocket  along with another main key ring I had. I put it there because when I got back at night, I could quickly have the key. I got home hours later. Go to truck. Oh no, no truck key. Rain was coming and I had to make 2 widow protectors. Some rain did get in. A week later I had to make a decision about the key. I looked for a 2nd key no luck. Called a locksmith he wanted 200. Called another guy 125 dollars. A week later, I'm ready to call the locksmith. I do contemplation about the key, no answer. I walk to middle of my room and scan my cluttered room. I have a large table in room that's filled with stuff. I see an old plastic tray  5x6 inch by 2 inch high. I reach way over and I'm  just able to grab the mini tray. There are 2 little key rings in it. One of them was a spare I had. Saved 125 dollars thanks to spirit. Now when I would pull my main keys out of my pocket It would catch the smaller key ring and drop it to the ground. It happened 3 times like that for a year. 

      So I was sweeping the carport concrete floor,  I turn to the garbage can to drop my dust pan debris into the garbage. Three seconds later. I turn around and there is my original truck key on the floor. It wasn't there before. A bona-fide miracle. This took 3 weeks from the start of losing the key. It was a little stressful for me. Divine spirit is there to bring a miracle to your life as well.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

4/26/2023 Hunt the Whale No More

      A guy off the coast of California runs a whale spotting business. One day out on the water a whale pays him a visit. He pops his massive head next to the boat. The guy pats him. He also notices algea affixed to the creature's head and body. So he picks some off with his fingers. The whale likes that and repeats the experience. The guy keeps removing the algea from the whale. Next time out on the water the whale is back for more. And it continues on to this day. So this big whale is sensitive to very thin algea on it's skin.  What do you think the whale feels when it is shot with a harpoon. Let the whales live on. Us humans are suppose to be the stewards of this world not to drive species into oblivion. 

      We have to realize that our actions do matter and they do have consequences. One of those consequences  could be our own destruction. When man and woman realize that they have a relationship with God, they will make better choices for their lives and others as well. Talk to God in your head and ask for his guidance. Eventually that quiet little voice will speak up. Listen to what it has to say.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

4/16/2023 Ugh! A weighty weight machine

     One day I was in somebody's  bedroom and I saw a 6ft exercise machine with a lot of clothes on it. I said thats an expensive hamper you got. Yes she said our only exercise is when we have to move it once a week.. that was years prior..

      I said goodbye to a girlfriend for the last time a long time ago. I thought I'd put a weight machine near my main door entrance. I looked in Craigs List and found a 4 station weight machine for 150 dollars. I had to disassemble it and get it out of the basement. Several hours later it was reassembled in my dining area. I worked the 4 stations each day. By the 4th week it was 3 times a week. Then once a month. Then 0 times a month. Yep it turned into my coat rack. A 150 dollar coat rack. A year later I had  it for sale in the paper. A young service member rings my bell. How much he asks, 25 dollars I say. He says that's too little.  I say it's ok. No way was I gonna charge him more.

      I was happy when I got it. And very happy when I got rid of it. Live and learn. Always be ready to readjust your life. It's  like a painting that your working on. Adding and subtracting paint strokes, experimenting. Learning more and more about yourself in the process. Finding your weaknesses and doing something about it. Life is slowly rounding off your sharp corners. You are slowly  becoming who you really are during this process. All is right in your world. You adjust and readjust when the good and bad things come your way. Your helper divine spirit is there and waiting to assist you when you need it. But you have to call on it. That way you can see the correlation. What it was before you asked and what it is after you asked. Then be patient for the answer.

      You may not grasp what is going on but when you hand it to divine spirit your predicament. Spirit starts on helping you to resolve it. The process may not be to your liking. When looking back, you will appreciate the things you had to go through. And come to the conclusion that it was so worth it. You are becoming greater. And with it comes peace and better understanding for you. This better you is what you take with you , when it's time for you to leave this earth.