Thursday, May 9, 2024

5/09/2024 Cheese It. It's The Cops

        During this move, I brought with me some hard boiled eggs and some cheese. I kept them in an insulated bag with some frozen water bottles. When I got to a hotel I would put them in the fridge. Around the 4 th night out on the road, I get a dream. Don't remember much of anything except the word cheese. I took that to mean toss the cheese. Which I did that morning. One of the illnesses you can get from cheese is listeria. Or salmonella. Don't need that. I'm thankful to spirit for the dream. Just that 1 word cheese got the message across. During my life I got food poisoned bad 2 times. One from a warmed up meatball sandwich, I got from a bar near my work. The other time was a fast food hamburger joint. Ate 2 greasy burgers. Huge mistake. I might of had a slight musgiving about it. But I was stupid then. Survived it and learned a valuable lesson. Never got sick at home. 2 times on the road. Listening to Spirit's clues helps in not having to go through these type of experiences. Use them, the clues and nudges in every aspect in your life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

5/05/2024 Pardon Me

        I dropped my lock card key into the latch. The hotel door slowly opens to a woman sitting in a chair. Damn it. I say sorry. She says it's ok and gets up to take walk to front desk. We wait. She comes back with new key for me to a room 5 doors down. The key works, but I quickly knock before entering. The lady that handed me the key laughed. I'm getting the luggage in the door and she comes walking back. She says now my key doesn't work. Back to the front desk. Not a short walk. I'm glad she had a laid back demeantor. This hotel was strange. No elevators. Initially they gave me a room on second floor and I had a lot of luggage on the dolly. That meant walking bags up the stairs. A second guy came and said he'd get me a room on 1st floor. That key opened the lady's room. To make a left you had to go right, then down a tiled ramp, then cross the atrium which had a pool in it but walls blocked the view of it. It did not block the humidity. Then on the left side it was up another tiled ramp. On to a carpeted floor and down a small decline of vinyl plank flooring. Other than that, everything was ok. 

       Back to the lady whose life got interupted. She makes her life better by going with the flow. When irritations arise she's up to the challenge. She did better than me that day. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

4/30/2024 Paring Down the Hard way

        Stuff. It either owns you or you own it. My stuff owns me. The first move I did back in 88 was a killer moving an hour south. Took all my books and tools. A couple friends of mine took us all week. Those books were something. I got them on shelves I built.  When it was time to  move on 15 years later, I said no way. I got rid of half of them. This move I removed 2/3 rds of them. So me and 2 buddies of mine filled up a 26 ft uhaul. Did 2/3 rd full. Well my wife on trip couldn't take the jostle of the truck and tow dolly. With limited funds, have to Ditch the van and take the car. Some will go in pods. Dropped a lot of stuff at goodwill. Not fun to say the least. She did get tipped off by dreams she had about the impending problem but didn't act on those dreams. So it's going to be a wild ride. Another adventure coming up. Won't forget this trip for a long long time.

4/28/2024. In a Pickle

        Moving day was yesterday. Driving a 26 ft U-Haul with a tow dolly. First time with a vehicle this big. Pull into a hotel parking lot. I unloaded some bags for the night. All ok. I go to repark. I drove thru back parking lot. I tried to make a turn to the left. There was an 18 wheeler in parked in front of me.  To my left parked a pickup truck with a boat behind it. To my rear an island with a concrete curb. I can't complete the turn. Try to backup. Keep hitting the back curb. This is happening at 9pm. Get out of truck to look at the dolly. Readjust. Must of did it 20 times. Then I give up ask spirit for it's help. A guy comes out of hotel and walks to his pickup truck, not the one with the boat. I ask him if he is familiar backing up a tow dolly, he says no. But then says he'll give it a try.  After 10 min of backing up then forward many times, he gets  enough room just barely to make that left. I couldn't believe it. I was so thankful. Hopefully I learned my lesson about tight spots. But it was interesting that as soon as I asked, the guy comes into sight. My job was to open my big mouth. And ask for his help.  Thank-you  Divine Spirit and the guy.

Friday, April 12, 2024

4/12/2024 A. Six Year Old

        A six year old being driven to kindergarten in California died in his car seat in the back seat. His mother made a mistake. She gave someone on the freeway the bird. That act of anger cost her, her son's life unfortunately. The young male in the other car took out his gun and shot at the car. Recently he was sentenced to 40 years in jail.

     Anger. Nothing good ever comes from it. If you feel yourself getting angry, take 3 deep breaths. Hold your breath as long as you can and then exhale slowly. Then track down why you got angry. If you say well they did this to me. That is a wrong answer. You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. When you accept this as true, your life will change for the better. If you find yourself nearby people who are arguing, retreat from them. Ask divine spirit for it's protection and listen to that small voice within. The more you practice this the better will be the results. The more we act with love the better it is for everyone as well as us. When we set out the door for the day, say I will act with love this day. Do it everyday. Also give thanks when the blessings come.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

3/31/2024 Unfolding Journeys

       It's been 4 years tomorrow that I started this blog. We were in early stages of Covid. I believe it was created in a lab in Wuhan China. Three scientists working there came down with the disease. The wet market origin was a lie. US agencies worked with those scientists at Wuhan.  The disease cut down people with weakened defenses hard. Over 1 million Americans died due to it. And their still dying of it, today. I wear a mask when I'm in stores. I take it off when I get outside. I used to get the common cold 2 times a year around November and April. Since 2020 no colds. I attribute it to the mask and using hand sanitizer all the time. You don't need much. I keep a little bottle in car all the time and try to keep one in my pocket.

      I got the Moderna vaccine and the boosters. Last October I took the Novavax vaccine and will get a follow up next October. I got it free with the bridge program. The bridge program is to end at the end of year, supposedly. Get proper sleep and eat good foods as well. Look out for you and give yourself the best chance possible.

       As I said before, hard time Era started with 9/11. Troubles have been bringing change to us and the world. Greed and power is a constant. Negativity tries to tear down what our forebears put up. Namely democracy which allows us to be creative and have sense of freedom. Leading to living with less fear. It has served us well. It would be criminal to let all that hard won work go down the tubes because of our petty personalities. A person that says I'm going to be a dictator the first day does not deserve my vote. A person that raises and stokes fear to garner votes is not my ideal candidate. A person that would allow his VP to be put in mortal danger with a makeshift gallows near the capitol grounds. Is not a person who should be  allowed to run for dog catcher of a town. A person who mocks people with disabilities. Tells you right then and there what this guy is about. A person who has the audacity to grab a woman's privates. Well what can you say really. Would you want this guy to babysit your kid or grand kids. Think about that. For me to have to address this subject, just blows my mind.  Now this guy is selling the Bible for 60 dollars with holy crossed off and God bless the USA bible inserted instead. The guy even says he's like Christ. This guy doesn't try to hide who he is. But he is all that and more. Summing up with one word, I come up with...... Deranged!

       So hard times are still coming for us. It may even get worse. But if we turn to God and work with divine spirit we have a chance at least for us to get around these myriad of problems. Look for that silver lining in the dark cloud. It is there. That silver will get you through the trouble. Those who succumb to fear will have even more troubles than they started out with. So when the blank hits the fan, stay calm look to divine spirit within and act on what you get. Staying calm let's divine spirit in with it's usually small voice. Also ask for it's protection in the early stages. And don't  succumb to doom sayers who ever they may be.

       Always remember be kind and nice at all times. If you find yourself next to a super negative person. Excuse yourself and say something positive before you leave the room. Guard your peace of mind. Don't play the victim in any situation you find yourself in. If you find yourself in a bad situation own it. Figure out why it happened to you and most of to get out of it. Be patient when trying to excise yourself from the predicament. May take days, weeks or months. Never throw in the towel.

       Easter is tomorrow. It showed that you as soul are eternal. You live forever. You exist within the smallest of things and the biggest of things.  Look to God always and ask questions no matter where you find yourself or what your predicament happens to be.  Live from soul your true nature. Understanding comes from here you inner temple where the god waters emanate. This is your sacared place. So before you go to bed ask to be taken here. Then record that dream.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

3/26/2024. Control

        This was a horoscope I had from years ago.   Libra ...."Use this time to sort out what it is you want to achieve this year.  Making a plan will ensure you have a greater chance of accomplishing most things on your wish list.  Failing to plan can cause you  to end up swaying in the wind, instead of being in control of your destiny.  After all, that's what free will is about ----- taking Control. "

       This was made for me. I've found that having less goals is the better road to take. Anything more than 5 dilutes getting things done at least in my case. I have alot of unfinished projects throughout the house. And too much stuff. Now I'm tossing. It's  liberating in a way. Some pain also. It's push come to shove time. And that time is reduced to 5 weeks. So it is chaos around here. Next place I will be choosing more control for myself and hopefully slow it down a bit. I hope this is true. And yes we have free will. We choose a lot of what happens to us in a daily basis. Whether to plan or not to plan and hope for the best. Most of my life was the latter. I really don't recommend it. Here's to better choices and planning for the future.