Thursday, July 4, 2024

7/04/2024 56 Men

        That's  the number of men that signed the Declaration of Independence, 248 years ago today. John Hancock was the first to sign the document.Those men actually signed their own death warrant. Each man was marked to be hung by the British government. The British couldn't get their hands on any of them. These 56 had courage beyond else. The colonial army was a rag tag bunch of men with near zero military capabilities. The survival of the 56 was dubious at best. They persevered and got lucky with several important individuals in key positions. George Washington  being the main cog in the wheel in sustaining independence. Ben Franklin another signer of DOI. Ben took a slow boat to France in October 1776. He stayed 9 years and left there at age 80. His efforts secured French money,, navy and army. When he got back to the states, he was shocked that the members of congress weren't keen on the efforts that he and the French provided to America. People are funny then and now. The French after WW 1 & 2 likewise were cool to American help. Of course not all of them. Many were appreciative. Even today I can appreciate what the French did for America. I'm glad we returned the favor to them 2 fold. That's  what friends are for.

       Freedom is not a right. It has to be fought for every day. Our forefather's saw what could lie ahead for us. So they put in guide lines to help us stay on tract to contiuing our freedoms. One of those guidelines was separation of church and state.  For the last 50 years the religious right have been gnawing at those guidelines. Now the  John Robert's Supreme  Court has said dictatorial powers are aok with them. Really? These so called educated men say it's  aok. What the?  Something is seriously wrong with America today. Today the Republicans are writing their plank for their party behind closed doors. Why?  because they know what they are doing is wrong!  They use threats and favors to keep them in line. They want to make America in their image period. Why not support their nominee who has said he will be a dictator on day one. Storm the government, it's  a ok with them. They are heros. When they take over people will have to swear loyalty to their presidente and not the USA.

       Wake Up America before it's too late!

Monday, June 17, 2024

6/17/2024 The Battle on Breed's Hill

        Today 249 years ago. The British were put on notice. The colonists were not going to be a push over. They secured the high ground, smack in front of Boston across the Charles river. Early morning light the redcoats were hitting the redoubt with cannons from warships in the river. Assault troops of red were being rowed to the peninsula. It took 3 assaults by the redcoats moving uphill to confront the colonists. Lead musket balls filled the air.   Many redcoats would not see the next day.  Redcoats lost  over a thousand casualties,  Americans 450. Redcost officers 89. The Redcoats were in disbelief over the 89 dead. Back then officers were not targeted during warfare. They were very, very mad.  The Americans ran out of bullets on the 3rd assault.. After this battle that the Americans lost, there was no going back. You were either in or out. Time was now to choose sides.

       Remember this day. It was the day ordinary Americans came together to fight for something new and better. Remember this bloody day. It would change the world from this day forward.

6/17/2024 This

        This year 24 is critical for all the people who want to live in a Democracy.  About 248 years we lived under these guidelines set down in 1776. We did this so that we can live in an environment that can work for everybody. To have a chance to prosper and make improvements along the way. I enjoyed my life under these protections and for that I am greatfull.  Now, those guarantees are under assault. I am beyond astonished,  how could this be happening. Where did we go wrong. My guess is the loosening of laws in the state and then federal jurisdictions.  Our forefather's put that in writing straight away. There is to be a separation between church and state. These religious right people are injecting their beliefs onto all of us through the courts and state jurisdictions. The "republicans" are about to nominate a man who on day one will rule as a dictator. And that's ok with them. Why?  Because all they want is power at any cost. The welfare of us be damned. No common sense allowed. 

       Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet on this topic called Common Sense. It united the colonists behind the idea of a republic that would ensure freedom for Americans.  To vote, you had to be it at the time a white male with property. Over time that would change. If common sense resonated through out the land close to a quarter millennium ago, why can't we do it today. Back then most people couldn't read. Now we have all the advantages. You are not born with commonsense, it something you learn in life through trial and error. If someone says they are going to bust you in the mouth one of these days, believe them.  Take precautions when near that person. The same here. If he says I'm going to be a dictator believe him. If he takes power, it will be a different life for sure. More angst  for everyone. Isn't there enough angst already. Why increase it?  Makes No Sense.  It will be 1775 all over again. We either go forward with hope or take 250 steps backwards.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

6/11/2024 The Desperation

      The Colorado  River near Moab  Utah.  It was a life & death struggle in the water on June 6th 2024.  Gaar Lausman was watching from the beach. A father and his 2 boys capsized from their raft. Lausman's friend Eric Odenthal said to him go now get those kids. Lausman got each one safe on his paddle board but could not get to the father. He kept going down and then up. The fast current was racing the father downstream. Just at that moment Daniel Wright was traveling upstream on his jet ski. Lausman gestures over toward the father. Astute Wright grabbed the outstretched hand of the father. The family unit saved by 2 men and God. 

       Each day throughout the world. Life changing events are occurring. Some will survive and others will not. Why is that. Because it is God's plan that only he knows. There are reasons for each scenario. We will be privy to those answers when we cross the veil as soul. However, you can know some of that while on this side of the veil. By working with divine spirit. You open yourself up to hidden knowledge. You can be given certain guidance as to why a certain event happened in your life. Seek and you will find. Be persistent and focused. The answer is there.

       As I said in a previous blog. A woman was upset that when she came back from work her little dog was dead by the garage door. She freaked. She had  invisible fence put in her yard. It worked great. She wanted to know what dog did this. I said ask spirit. 2 weeks later I see her again. I said what did you come up with when you asked spirit? She said it wasn't definitive. She saw a black dog one day while driving and a white dog 2 days later. I said spirit answered you it's a black and white dog. What I didn't tell her was it was probably her own Labrador that did it. It had black and white markings. Behind her fence she had her own 8 dogs. The dog that died was a little weird and had a nippy personality. She wasn't ready to hear the truth. Otherwise she would have seen it. If your in a quandary, maybe ask a 3rd or 4th party what they think about it. And then listen.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

6/08/2024. Enzo.... a real life Aquaman

        Mallorca was an Italian diver. Not the person who dives off a diving board. Many years ago he was on the water in a boat with daughter Rossana. As he enters the water he is hit in the back. He turns and sees the dolphin. Enzo felt the animal talking to him. The animal goes out aways then descends 12 ft. Enzo follows. Sees another dolphin struggling in a lost net. Back to the boat to get a knife and daughter. He frees the dolphin. The 1 dolphin ,Enzo and daughter bring the pregnant dolphin to surface. A few minutes later blood and baby emerge. The male dolphin guides the baby to the mammary gland of the mother. The male does a large circle  and then heads to Enzo where he brushes  Enzo's cheek.

    Years  prior to this day. Enzo was spear fishing. He got a big grouper. It wedged itself between some rocks. Enzo put his hand under it's belly and felt it's fear.  When he returned home he put up his spear gun for good.

       Enzo after the dolphin encounter said " until a person learns to respect nature and talk to the animal world,  he will never know his true role on Earth.

       This man learned from his experiences and his joy increased  immensely. That should be our goal as well. It can be done in little ways in all sorts of instances during our daily activities.  I read stories of people who look back in their lives and dredge up a kind act that a stanger did for them. Imagine if that person could look back and select from an infinite amount of good acts that were done for them.

       No kind deed ever ever goes un noticed. Your reward is in the doing. A lot of these deeds can be done in less than a minute. We can all dedicate at least a couple minutes a day to this cause. The more it is done the better we make our future world. Thank-you  Enzo for telling your story.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

6/06/2024 Body Aware

        Your body is your temple. It requires maintenance. Teeth and heart your 2 main ones. I was lackadaisical when it came to my teeth. Get your teeth looked at 2 times a year. Internal med doctor once a year. One guy was feeling tired and would take a nap before a ball game. He attributed it to getting older. His tests prior showed no big problems. But he was felled by a heart attack. I think he was late 40s. He didn't know it at the time but both grand fathers suffered the same fate. Good to know your family history. When your doing something different in your normal routine, it's best to get it checked out thoroughly. For a suspected heart ailment a catherization is the best way. With this they can see any blockages. What you can do at home is monitor your blood pressure. See a doctor if over 140 over 80. Ideally  it's 120 /80. Still even with good blood pressure numbers, you still have to look at other possible things that are different than what has gone on in the past.

       Everything has to be maintained and it takes time and work. Your body, your house, your car and family. One thing that doesn't require work is contemplation. In this endeavor, many good things can come from it. 10 minutes every day. Even a couple minutes is better than no minutes. By keeping a journal, you will be able to see the changes. Write down the things that upset you. This is what you have to work on. By doing this you are making yourself stronger and better. You will be more comfortable in your own skin. No strenuous work, just a little bit of time. Try doing it in the morning to set the day off in a positive direction. You can say to yourself this day is going to be even better than yesterday.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

6/02/2024 A Jury

        So we have a democracy. It is held together by laws. Break the laws and you have prosecutors on your tail. They have to supply evidence about your wrong doing. They charge you. Then a jury of your peers is picked. Then the trial. It is not a popularity contest. The jury judges based on what the facts are presented to be. The ex president told the press he would be testifying for himself at the end of the trial. The end comes and he refuses to take the stand. The jury comes back with  the guilty verdict.  Then he attacks the court personnel and others who are not part of the trial.  What gives here.   He makes outlandish statements about the election in 2020 and each court he brings it to says no basis to bring this to court. Why because there is zero evidence here. 

        Every Republican house and senate member disagreed with the jury. They didn't hear the evidence. The jury did though. So these Republicans dispute the American people and their conclusions, with no evidence presented by them. Nothing. When commonsense goes out the door our freedom may not be too far behind. They will dictate to everyone what they feel. So free thought goes bye bye. Book banning, black lists, barb wire encampents and persecutions on what they feel, no evidence required.

       When we go before our maker, we will see that it is us that will do the judging here. You will relive your thoughts and deeds once again and how they affected other people. It will be a sobering moment for you. Now is the time to be true to yourself and to see who you really are warts and all. Let us make better choices in our daily lives. In making it better for ourselves and as well for others. The change is best accomplished here on earth. This recognition can be aided  by invoking divine spirit into our lives.  Allowing it to be of service will increase our joy in life as we make our future choices.