Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Dec/31/2024 There's Always More Learning to be Had

        So on Dec 25 , I got an unexpected present. It's unwrapping occurred inside of me. A nasty cold. So I figured that I screwed up somewhere along the road.  So I've been trying to live in the moment on a consistent basis. Since covid the end of 2019, I haven't  taken sick. I wear a mask in stores and use hand cleaner. I also have a hook to open store door handles. I think I messed up in applying hand sanitizer on a consistent basis. That mistake has messed me up for the week. 

       It was February 2019. I'm in a home depot and there are 2 cartons of hand cleaner in clearance. Each sleeve has two bottles in it. Not the little hand bottles. I buy the 2 sleeves. I don't know why I did this. I never bought the stuff before. Jan 2020 covid comes in. So I was influenced by divine spirit to pick up those bottles. In December 2019 I saw a video inside a Chinese hospital. I said shit a pandemic heading our way. Told my family members pandemic is coming, they didn't believe me. For the next weeks I harped on it. Eventually they came around.  The borders should of have been sealed. Plane landed in Northwest US and the disease surfaces in US. Carried by a 35 yr old man from Wuhan China. He landed in a hospital in Everett Washington. Over a million Americans have died because of this. My belief was it was man made and a lab leak. The cover story was a wet market accident in Wuhan. 3 doctors in that lab came down with the illness. 

       So working with divine spirit is an individual pursuit the person uses to strengthen their connection to the divine knowledge. It takes work. You have to give it the time in someway everyday or every other day.  The connection will get stronger. This is where you go to get answers. If the question is strong be very persistent over the course of days. That answer will come. One day I had a question what to do in a given debacle I was in. It was frustrating kept me up couldn't  eat well. Boy,  I called on spirit every day for an answer. Then I had a dream where it took me step by step on what to say and what to do. And the situation played out in real life step by step. I just repeated my lines I learned in the dream and it got resolved.  I was very thankful.

       So I had some plans to make money this week and it got put on hold because of this illness. I know not to push things when I get sick. Don't want to make it worse. Always have to balance what would help me most in the long run. I think living in the now will have benefits for me going forward. It makes for a more focused mind. 

      Physical changes. This year saw my hair start to thin and head for baldness. I figure my hair would start to gray but sofar no. Another weird thing is I don't have bottom eyelashes and my top ones are thinning out. I have bushy brows  and no gray. I used to have full lashes, no more. ....weird. swelling in my legs going down as well.

         Hopefully all have a safe and happy year next year.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Dec/25/2024 Jesus

          Born on this day so as to deliver a message. That there was a better way to live one's life. Prior to that it was power is right. It's  mine and I will take it. Eventually it all comes down around them. Build on good foundation and label that love. It will stand for eternity.  So Jesus said love others as I have loved you. This was his main message. Very simple. It's easy to love those who love you but give love to those who do not return it. Doing this will help that other person eventually  soften their outlook on life. It's like water smoothing out the rough edges of a rock. If more people do this the world will change into a beautiful place. We can start in our own families first. Uplift those around us, just by doing small things here and there. Being kind can't hurt. It can only heal. I see it returned to me by strangers in my everyday life. It's what you put out that comes back to you eventually. It's a good feeling.  It pays dividends. And I didn't ask for them but they come nonetheless. When you pass on, you will relive your life and see where you promoted love and where you did not. Make this new year about healing divsions in your life.  And you too will see the benefits of your actions.

       Even when hard times come,still promote love and kindness. For if not you then who? It is only love that can eventually make things right. After all look what it did for Scrouge himself. A vile person who got grace and never forgot it for the rest of his days. A beautiful elderly man who carried Christmas in his heart this day and every day thereafter.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Dec/18/2024 Be Aware

        I'm at a parking lot sitting in my car, a bald headed  guy with a military type jacket on stops by my open window.  He says how you doing, I say ok I guess. He says yeah me too. I do some beer and a little weed. I say I do God. He pulls out 2 dollars, says can I help him out a little bit more, to get something to eat. I said I would like to but.  He interupts says God pointing upward. I nod the affirmation. He says cool I can respect that and quickly moves on.

       What was this about?  From 75 to the 80s, I would always help these people out with a buck or 2. And not think anything about it. Whe I got on a spiritual path late 80s,  divine spirit had other ideas. It was brought to my attention not to hand over the money. It didn't tell me why.  I would still give the money. I was told no but I still did. Use to happen once every 2months. The frequency began to speed up. Until I started to listen to divine spirit ( DS ). I started to decline handing over the money. The frequency lessened. Then a month later I was put to the test, and I  handed over a couple bucks  to the next sob story. Well, the frequency picked up again. I stopped. Then 2 months later I'd be put to the test again. This continued every couple months or so. It's been a couple years, till yesterday. 

        I think God wants to do it his way. People are where they are do their life's choices. He wants them to come to him for help. This would make them stronger in the long run. By me giving money, I delay the learning process for that individual person or soul. I had to learn that lesson as well as the people asking for help. I heard the phrase, if you ask God for bread does he turn around and hand you a stone. So I didn't want to give anyone a stone as well. But I am not God. It makes sense to me now.

       Everyone is different, body chemistry,  beliefs and attitudes. There is no problem being kind in word and deed to everyone. Which I do. So when DS sends a message I try to work on it. Does it happen right away with me, ah that's a no. It would be better for me, but I got a dense head alot of times. But I always try to keep an open mind. That's how I got on this path in the first place. You may have your ideas, but God has his. It took a long time for me to take on his ideas and execute them when dealing with others. So when being tested watch with the frequency of events in your life. It could be about anything. Keeping a journal will show you a clearer picture. As to how to make improvements in your life.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dec/9/2024 It Starts With You

         You are where it's at. As the day starts, you start in with making choices. What to wear,what to eat and what to worry about.

         I say before you get out of bed, think on 3 things that you are greatfull for then a quick contemplation 5 to 10 min. Then think on how you would like your day to go. May not work out that way but do it everyday. When things don't go our way, don't lash out. It makes things worse, I can attest to this greatly. If you wanna scream go outside and do it. May be good for your emotional body. So if a person does something that is not to your liking, try to see it from their perspective. This is extremely hard to do . Try anyway. Again & Again. If you keep reiterating over the same point, just stop. The hole only gets deeper. It is now time to separate yourself from the dialog. Then rehash went just went down and try to figure out what YOU  could have done better. This is the learning stage, where you are working on you to be a better person. So we are very rough and we need to soften the edges with sand paper. When we do this we become more confident in our abilities to not only help ourselves but others as well. Let others figure things out for themselves you have plenty to work on for yourself.

        Always ask yourself what do I have to learn from these events or upsetments. We can always soften the blow by changing our attitude to what is going on. We may be right for ourselves but sadly not for others. They have to do their own learning their way.

          Living in the now is so very hard. I try to do it everyday.  Still making errors. But I do see some benefits over this past month. Slowing down just a little so as to focus better. When I'm rushed many errors occur. Plus not taking the time to think on a potential problem that can mess you up. Like I did this past week regarding a car. So now I have to deal with this fiasco. But I always say to myself I Will Get Through This No Matter What. My go to mantra.

        Start your days on a positive note. Give yourself pep talks, think before you speak and keep a sharp eye out in what life can teach you. And when pertinent,   write those lessons down. And your adventure is your current life situation and have a fun and happy learning experiences.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Dec/4/2024 A Junk Yard Dog

       In this case it was a car battery, from a auto salvage yard. A new car battery was 160 dollars. Paid 45 for this one. Glad I got it.  Calling around town , it took me 10 tries. The other day the battery hesitated twice slightly, before turning over. From experience,  I learned to replace it. After hesitations in past I didn't take action. I got 2 more months. Then out on the road it would drop dead. I learned I didn't want that experience again. Did research on internet about the battery. Checking on used batteries and new ones. I found that Auto Zone had an econo one for 80 dollars. The car started right up after a real cold morning. No problems. Auto Zone offers free check on batteries. He checked it and it was bad. The battery has a scale of 12.2 to 12.9. I think it's the voltage, needed to turn the starter. If my battery was 12.2 it meant replace the battery.  12.4 and higher was ok.  So I go back in store and ask for the econo battery. He did have one in the back room. Their expensive batteries are all out front. First thing  I said was I want the econo one. Saved time with him bringing up the list of other batteries. As he was putting in battery I noticed the neg terminal was a little loose. This was probably  due to battery being hesitant the other day. However, the battery was still charging to be able to turn the starter. The battery was still weak. With winter almost here, I'm glad I took care of it.

        Being proactive, is thinking about the future but taking action in the now. To avert a bigger problem down the road. Six months ago I was at this woman's house and she talked about her husband who died. He mentioned to her about not feeling good. She said go to the doctor. He didn't want to have to deal with that. So,  one day he is at the breakfast table and she was talking to him. After she was done cooking she turned to the table and was talking to him. He didn't  answer. She went over to him and he was too quiet. He looked dead. She called paramedics.  Yep they said he is dead. Facing the truth is always hard. We get warnings in life,  it is up to us to heed them. To have a chance at a better life.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Nov 28/2024 Thanksgiving


        Thomas Jefferson the only president who did not celebrate  it. I wonder why? Probably one of the smartest of presidents. I don't get it.

        When we are greatfull, it opens us up to other good things to come into our life.  It's such a little thing that can reap big things for our future selves. I am greatfull for many things, people and experiences. Divine spirit as well for all that it helps me with. Not everything because some things I have to figure out for myself. But it is all worth it. When you allow God into your life, it can can give you perspective that you didn't have before. Our thoughts and actions from the past and present set the tone for our lives. We can change the present and future events by changing our attitude and thoughts in the present. By looking at things with the question what do I have to learn from this experience. Will make us better understand ourselves in why we do certain things. Mitigating those thoughts and actions will give us knowledge and power in making our lives better. By being a vehicle for positive thoughts and actions we lift all boats. This is the goal for ourselves and with that we uplift others around us as well. To be spiritual is to be kind in word and deed to everyone, everyday. It is so simple as that. These people will remember that in their dealings with others as well. We should do this everyday, no matter how bad things will get. Going down the hole of negativity will take us further from the light. Positivity will stop that descent, at least for you. Others will take that trip down but you don't  have to follow. Don't follow the pipper. It is ruination. 

       Being greatfull for what we have allows us to live in a state of gratitude. This sets us up for a more beautiful life.  We may not get what we want, but we will get what we need.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Nov/22/2024 Stupid Stick

       So there it was a 8 inch long  3/4 inch thick oak branch laying in the grass. Was I paying attention, no. My shoe tip hits the end of it. It flips and jabs my front part of foot at the ankle. Takes off about 3 layers of skin but no  blood. Why, not living in the moment. These are little wakeup calls. This was 2 days ago. Today dropped a sock on basement floor transfering clothes to dryer. A small thing. Usually I'm conscious about not dropping any clothes. These are little things. They point to not being focused in the now. This month I decided to live more in the now. I think that this skill will help in my future endeavors. Learn through these little instances so as not to get bit by bigger issues later on.  Say like when you are out on the road. I learn here on the road as well. Always look for potential problems coming your way. Like stopping 20 ft from car in front of you while at a light. Then watching the rear view mirror for car coming up behind you. If he's moving too fast you can move forward. This helps me a lot on the road. Let other drivers merge ahead of you. It makes you feel good and them as well. Then they pass the courtesy on to someone else. People can be bone heads on the road, but so can you. Give them slack. No justification for getting mad. Ever.

       I try to pre plan my day. How I want the day to go. You are living in the future at this time but doing it in the now. Does it always work out. No. But a lot of times it does. And always be thankfull to divine spirit. I do see benefits to living in the now. You do what you can one day at a time. If you hit a road block, reach into your spiritual tool box. And ask divine spirit for it's assistance. No matter where you happen to be.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Nov19/2024 The Store is on the Left

        I have to go to Chipotle and pick up lunch. I'm in a new area. I'm sure the store is to the left but GPS tells me me to hang a right. I go right. My Micheal Scott moment. The show is the Office. Micheal and Dwight are on a business call. Michael's driving and GPS tells him to hang a right. Dwight says no it means make a right 50 ft up the road the road. Micheal says no, it says make a right. As he makes a right, Dwight is screaming. Yep, Micheal puts his car into a pond. That was me in a way, sans the pond. You know better but let your life be led by a glitch in technology. Like those people who fall asleep while driving a Tesla. So stupid. Putting themselves in danger and others. Must think twice before putting your faith in technology or others for that matter. I ask for God's protection, when out and about. It can't hurt.

       We either focus or suffer the consequences. Sometimes those consequences can be severe. In the past I would leave the house forgetting something, wallet or the phone. Not everyday. This month I've been working on mindfulness. Now I  catch myself walking down the driveway and then remembering I forgot something. Before I would be on the road and have to turn around and go back. So, there is some progress. When your thinking about the near future you can mess up the now. It's a hard habit to break. Breaking this habit will make your life better.

       So this month has been good in the mindfulness department. Every month will have to be this way. But good results are happening.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Nov/02/2024 It's Funny in a Way

        Couple days after the last blog.  I committed  another mindfuless act. This one bit me good. I'm making dinner and it's going to be a tuna fish sandwich. Put the mayo in and mix it up. Then I had to go into another room. I set bowl on counter. Then I thought  wait. There is a cat in this household .  Where to put it? I know in the fridge.  15 min later I'm getting the loaf of bread out of the fridge top shelf. It's behind the tuna. Catches the lip of bowl and now it's on it's way to the tile floor. Tuna and Pyrex all over the place. I get most of it up. Then my wife comes out. So she is worried about the cat's paws. I have to get on knees and wipe the floor with sponge to get up little fragments of sharp pieces. One hr and 15 min later, the floor is done. That lack of  mindfulness  cost me bigtime. I saw the irony of it all as the bowl went south. So sometimes I'm  mindful and it pays off and when I'm not, I get this.   Focus, Focus & Focus.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Oct 27/2024 Being Mindful

        It is hard. Back in August, I pick up my heart meds. Get it home there are only 90 pills. Suppose to be 180.  Call my Doctor, tell him what happened. The script was for 90 pills,  cost $20.00.  Last week pickup my heart meds again, thinking it was all fixed , same result 90 pills $20 .00. Can't  bring them back. 

       I assumed the order was now correct. Wrong. Should have checked in the store, then refuse to take them. The new pills are also $20.00.  Now I will have to pay another $20.00. So I lose 40 dollars during this minor chore over 3 mos.  Why?  Because I wasn't  mindful.  And when your not mindful, it bites you.  This lesson is hard to learn. I have learned it in some areas but there is much work to be done here. I guess a lot of times it's about slowing down and letting yourself think more carefully.  This lesson cost me 40 bucks and I don't have money to waste.  Hopefully lesson learned, at least in this department.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Oct/24/2024 He who Hesitates

        Is not necessarily lost. The other day, I'm in my car exiting a shopping center, making left at the light. I'm the first car. The road is  4 lanes wide. The green left  arrow is on. I hesitate. 10 secs later a car comes barreling through his red light. Accelerating  as well. He would have hit me on driver's  side. So when at lights always hesitate especially if your the first car. It is a habit for me. But this one was close.  Focus on driving. It takes one little mistake to mess up your life. Look in your rear view window  when slowing for a light. I usually stop 40 ft from car in front of me looking in rear view mirror, to make sure the guy is slowing down. Then I close the gap.

       Around here I see many cars with body damage. I can see why. Always look for potential problems. If I see like a minor road rage episode, I will turn around to avoid them.  Go out of your way just in case. Also be polite on the roads. Don't drive when your upset  or too tired. Letting people merge and not blocking an egress.

       I am thankful that I hesitated this time. You just can't forget. It's being mindful or living in the now.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Oct 18/2024 Black Plastic

        More bad news on the use of plastics. Black plastic kitchen utensils and food containers have high levels of a flame retardant in them. They may have come from cross contamination during the recycling process. Like the plastic that is found in tvs and other electronic cast offs. Plastics continue to mess up the earth and it's inhabitants including getting into us. California initially banned the use of grocery type bags. Over a couple years they found that people switched to the heavier plastic bags. They treat them as one and done and toss. Poundage wise it's 10 times more waste than the initial thin bags. Now California is going to ban almost all plastic bags. Good for them. Another thing is not to use weed block in your landscaping. It is full of plastic.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Oct 15/2024 Some Homework

        Get a notebook. Write the date.  List 3 things or experiences that you want to occur in the near future. Now pick one of them. You can still think on the other two but mostly the first one. Write down the steps you think you have to do to get to your goal. At the end of the day, write your plusses and minuses in your attempts to getting to your goal. This should be every day. Still do what you have to do. But do at least 1 thing in realizing your dream. Keep on pushing. When writing about it, this want of yours, write a lot of descriptive words about it and what you would feel if the want was realized. To change your circumstances is going to require work. But it's going to  be your creation. Making a more rewarding experience  for yourself. This will show you that you do have control on what can come into your life. When obstacles arise, look for ways to work around them. Always tell yourself you will get through any problem that comes up. If the problem is difficult take a break from it, sleep on it. Ask divine spirit for help then pay attention to dreams and what goes on around you. After a month goes by look at your book and see how close you are in getting that want. Always be greatfull for any incites you have gotten. You can do this. Also stay away from negative people. If you hear a negative counter it with a positive right away.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Oct/12/2024 Cash is King

        This story comes from MotorBiscuit. An Oregon man was saving up for an RV. Any spare cash he would squirrel away for his future dream caravan. He scrimpted his way to filling a Van shoe box with 23,000 dollars.

     One day he came home and notices his Van shoe box is not where he left it. Full on panic takes over his demeanor. Turns out his wife went on a cleaning spree. The box went into the recycling bin and into the big recycling truck. He calls up the recycling company. His truck's haul was put on a larger truck and sent to a recycling plant out of the county. The gal in charge  recycling  plant let her people know about the missing money. She told h im that finding the money would be very hard.

        One of her guys spotted the corner of a twenty on the conveyor belt. They stopped the belt and found the crushed box. They recovered it all except 320 dollars. The guy wanted to give the workers a reward. The gal in charge said no, that she would think of something special for her workers. This is good karma playing out. Everyone was uplifted in this story. This is how it should be in all our dealings in life's trying and fun predicament s. Even if it doesn't go our way, we make the effort and look for that teaching moment. When things get tough, make the ask of spirit and look for the answer.

Monday, September 23, 2024

9/23/2024 Working with Divine Spirit

        My wife has a medical condition that requires a procedure every 14-15 months. We are out of state. She can only eat diluted baby food half a cup per day. Finding someone to do the procedure right away is a challenge. 

         So I ask Divine Spirit for help. I don't sit and say, ok DS fix it. I have to take action. Phone calls is where I start. After 4 days, I wrote Monday is the day it happens. I call one of the doctors, but today there is a problem, the phone goes to voice mail but It said the voice mail is full. I can't leave a message. 2nd nurse at different hospital I deal with, calls me and says she needs the first doctor who initiated the referral to sign off on the procedure.  She says she will call and get back to me within an hour. No phone call comes after hr passes. Call the nurse after 90 minutes.  She says they didn't get back to her but she will tell me by noon 12:30 rolls along no call. I drive to first doctor and talk to his nurse. Tell her about my wife and  voice mail problem. She says the doctor isn't in. She will tell head nurse. Within 15 min I see a call on my phone, while at store. I call the first nurse back and she got the all clear for the procedure to be done next week. So being persistent pays off. So it's like two pieces of cloth that you want to come together. You act and push and spirit mends the two together. The problem at the hospital where I couldn't leave a message gave me the impetuous to drive on over there. During this whole ordeal,  I had 1 goal and that was a date for an excellent doctor to do the procedure in a timely manner. Thankyou  divine spirit.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

9/10/2024 Knock Knock

        Who's there?  Incompetence! No thanks.

        A women wants her bedroom door put in. I go look at the job. A door outside laying against the house. Inside another door in hallway with damaged jambs and trim. What happened here. Her teenage son kicked in her door. Her brother says he'll fix it. Gets 1 door brings it back. It's a left hinge door. Wrong door. Doesn't take the door back to store. Gets another door right hinge this time. Door is still wrong because what was needed was a 30 inch door. Both times he gets a 28 inch door. Another problem was it was a 2x3 wall. Most walls are made of 2x4s. Guy gives up. More work for me because of the 2x3 wall. Have to add a 2x3 to rough opening. Get the door in. I say where is the door knob. It's in my brother's car at his house. Don't worry about it. Two weeks I'm back for something else. I see no knob on door. I ask about it. She gives box of new door knob. It usually goes in fast. I can't get in after 10 minutes because of screw alignment. I noticed before in her neighbors trash a broken door. I go grab it. Cut it up and put in trash but I take off the knob. Put it in her door in no time. Look at box for new knob from Wallmart says ...made in China. Yeah....tell her stuff like this,  forget Wallmart.

       So my 2 week delay and coming early, allowed me to get that knob and save time and money. To me that was a small gift from divine spirit or God if you will.  I've seen this happen many times. The door got damaged so she couldn't bring it back. She was out 150 dollars just for the door. But she did learn a lesson. In one way or another, we do pay for our lessons.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

9/08/2024 Good Karma

        This story came from Inside Edition Boston. A car got broken into in Cambridge MA. A German short hair pointer dog named Titus was dog napped. The next day a film crew is setting up near the scene of the crime. When along comes Kyle Gariepy walking a German short hair pointer. The camera man is petting the dog and sees Titus on the collor. They ask him why didn't he call to report the dog situation. He gives two lame excuses. A 911 call went out and the guy got arrested on the spot.

       The happy owner picked Titus up at the police station. Where the two of them had a love fest. That was super fast good karma. Hopefully, Kyle will learn from his experience as well. When leaving your car make sure you lock it. And that the interior doesn't get too hot.  If it's a kid, take him with you. An animal, leave for short duration only.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27/2024 Veronica

        Her last name is Marin. Driving down a Texas street, she witnesses a tree Fall and crush a SUV, during a storm. Several cars turned around  but not her. She leaves her 3 kids in the car and with help from a second good Samaritan, gets the door open. She then wiggles her self in to guide Penderson in the steps in extracting him from his predicament. After the tree hit he felt the crushed roof of car upon his chest. He was able to call his wife on phone and she was encouraging him in ways to make it easier to breath. The 2 good Samaritans got him out. And paramedics took over. Veronica left. Pedersen eventually found her on Facebook.

       He found out she was a single mom. And she was experiencing hardships of her own. The house needed repairs. Also she needed help with mortgage and other things. Pedersen set up a go found me page for her. It now has 50,000 plus for her.

      Pedersen is very greatful toward her. He also enjoys his life and helping his guardian angel. This ordeal has made Penderson a greater man than he was before. One fallen oak tree has enhanced many lives this day. And it started with Veronica's Heart.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

8/11/2024 My Guardian Angel

        I was working on a high extention ladder in 95 + heat with high humidity. Usually I feel secure doing theses things. But today it was a bit more difficult. The homeowner Joe across the street who is an energetic 87, would sit in his garage when it got hot. I did a job for him 2 weeks prior.

        Back up on ladder. After 20 minutes at the top. All of sudden any fear or tiredness I had went away. I finished job easily. At the end of the day,  Joe comes over and says I've been watching you as your guardian angel. I said thankyou. 

       The next day I'm  thinking about it. So he really was my angel that day. Because I went from anxiety all morning one min to complete confidence the next. And the only thing different was what he did. And I wouldn't have known except for him telling me.

       Divine Spirit showed me the power of prayer in action. It has instantaneous results. Your number one tool in your tool box is prayer or an asking. Use this tool on a daily basis. You may not get to see it in action like I did. But trust me, things are going on behind the scenes. Hopefully you too will get to see a result for yourself.

Friday, August 9, 2024

8/08/2024 Debby

 The 1 category hurricane came to pay a visit to Florida and the east coast. It's not done yet after dropping tons of water on the Carolinas. Amiee Firestone who runs the Faraway Inn, in Cedar Key  has another storm to clean up after. The one last year was named Idalia. It did more damage than this one. She's an expert on mold. She uses straight vinegar as it dives deeper into the wood to kill mold spores. I always used bleach. Which works but not as good as vinegar. So through her experience, in the future I will use vinegar as well. Thank-you  Amiee. So it's another opportunity to learn from others. She will reopen her Inn this weekend even though the place still needs more work. Going always forward is how she operates. I concur. By listening to others, we maybe able to avoid future problems that crop up in our life. So there are many opportunities that occur weekly that we can learn from. Sometimes we're given close calls. Say maybe while driving. If we are traveling too fast, we have to hit the brakes harder than we should have. Our focus was off. That is a warning. We either listen or suffer the future consequence. It is this way in any type of scenario. The goal is to take full responsibility for what occurs in our lives. Oh, it is hard to do by the way. Very Hard.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

8/04/2024 August

        It's  been 3 months since I got out here. During a quick contemplation, I got something big is coming. Well I felt that it would happen in under a month. That did not happen. I've been making the adjustments and it has not been easy, mostly with the money. Now back to doing handyman things. 

You have to persevere no matter what. With every setback get up and have at it. Again and again. Slowly the dam will break. I have now noticed some cracks in the dams around me. I will work on these cracks, to get a foot hold. No matter what it is that you are after, attack it every day. You will get better results eventually. It's not fun nor is it easy but it is a have too. Keep working on yourself, so as to better yourself making you stronger mentally when it comes time to deal with future problems that may come your way. Be greatfull each day for whatever you have and do quick contemplations on improving yourself.

        I setup a chair in a shady spot on the front porch and put up a hummingbird feeder. I only fill it 1/8th full, since I have only one customer. I change out the food water every 2 days. I got my customer, shade, 20 pound dumbell and my phone. It's a nice quiet time that I recharge in.  Create a space for yourself  to reflect on how things are going in your life. Like just now it happened fast a small bird was chasing a small hawk. The tables turned. And now my buddy Hummingbird is drinking at the feeder. Now the blue sky is his backdrop as he hovers in that one spot in the air. His tail moving rapidly back and forth. After 30 secs he's  gone in a flash. A lot of moments are fleeting, so it is best to stay aware in what life has to offer. No matter how old you are enjoy what is happening in the now.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

7/27/2024 Spiderwebbing

        A gal from England related her experience. She's on the internet looking for love. She meets guys she calls time wasters. One day she meets  a prospect. The date goes well. After 2 weeks he's texting 30x a day plus 10 phone calls. When this happens think red flag right away. He says all the right things and acts that way as well. So the hook was set.  After awhile they're living together. The jealously on his part started to become a problem. His ardourous calling sloughed off. He would belittle her in front of strangers and people they know. Later on he would apologize for his actions and then do romantic things with her.  Her self worth became less and less as the relationship endured.  Then the creep started to gas light her. Making her think she was seeing things that weren't there. Or removing things from the apartment and saying she was mistaken in owning them. Pure BS. One day he called her worthless. And no liked her even her own family didn't like her. She called her mother. The mother said dump him. Something clicked inside her. She went home and asked him to leave. He agreed and felt a long time it was no good. Months of therapy awaited her. She is back in the dating pool after 3 years.

        We get warnings along the way from our own gut as well as well meaning friends. Listen and pay attention always. Doing a journal helps with making the right decision. Also doing contemplations about how your life is going. When she thought of dumping him her fears of being alone would creep up. She succumbed to those fears. It froze her in place and delayed the inevitable. A less stress life requires perservanse on your part. Contemplation is an action. As a result you strengthen your self for future entanglements.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

7/14/2024 To Your Health

         Some of the things I found to stay somewhat healthy. Stretching in a doorway which I  explained in past blogs. Lifting a 20 pound coated dumbell.  I do at least 100 lifts during 2 reps. 60x & 40 times. Everyday if I can. Lost 60 pounds over 5 years.  It's all about portion control. For meats do a palm size serving. Limit beef/ steak to once a month. Use fish and chicken & pork. No smoked meats. Try for non processed foods. Almost all use some sort of preservatives a lot of times It's salt. Forget can soups over 500 milligrams of salt and a lot of times 1000 or more. Salt is hidden in everything almost. It all adds up. Breads 250 and up and some cereals 300. I picked up a box last month of bran. After it was half gone I looked at the box and it was 300 salt. My sharp cheese was 175. Found a Swiss cheese for 35 mg salt. Isn't as good as sharp but at least it's cheese. I cut slivers and put it on my apple. I eat 1 apple a day and orange. Banana 1 every other day. The more natural foods the better.  I eat about 1 potato and many veggies  per day as well. Pasta every other day. And I still have dessert. So your body gets use to the routine.  I cut back on ice cream a lot as well. Candybars I get at dollar store. A sleeve of small mini bars is 1.25 at the dollar store. Do about 2 sleeves per week.  Cookies from dollar store fudge striped or oatmeal,, 2 per day usually.  I drink no alcohol. And maybe a soda once a month. Mostly I drink ice water. Try to walk a mile a day.

       And as I said before I use a mask in stores and hand  sanitizer daily.  Haven't  had a cold since Spring of 99. It's not a guarantee but it helps. If I see someone with a cold in a store, I back far away. If their cold is real bad, I will leave store right away and not get what I came in for. Also try to see a doctor a couple times a year. Right now I take blood pressure meds. High blood pressure is no good. Invest in a blood pressure cuff. Listen to your body.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

7/09/2024 Fitness One. Year Later

        I decided a year ago to do some form of exercise. I wrote about it here. I started out slow with the dumbells. I would do 15 minutes in the morning. After months I slowly increased weight and the amount of reps. 1/2 hr in morning and 1/2 hr at night. Did that for about 4 months then went down to 1/2 hr a day. I was looking for muscle tone. Started a move in early March and the transition continues. I didn't do exercises at this time. I'm back to lifting 20 lb dumbell 60 times for the right and 70 for the left while sitting down.  Two months ago it was a 40/50 split. So the 1 year mark is here and I have seen much improvement. I also do leg exercises 30/35 reps with 15 lb weight a dumbell. I can now lift myself off ground without pushing off of a bucket. Getting the wrinkles off and below the bicep is almost done. The bottom takes longer. It is not a lot of work. No going to a gym. Save travel time and money. The muscle guys have to work out a lot with heavier weights and eat a lot more. They also are prone to getting physical  problems as they get older. 

       The next thing I want to do is eat less processed food. Back around 1905 doctors were noticing  more digestive problems in people. They attributed it to processed  foods. Prior to the invention the doctors didn't see too many patients complaining of stomach issues. Martin Spurlock, who just died did a movie Just Supersize Me. Where he ate breakfast, lunch & dinner at McDonald's.  From Feb 1 to March 2nd 2003 he ate the super size meals. He tells of the effects that happened to his body. It took him a year to get back to so called normal. This movie stuck with me. He died at 53 from cancer.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

7/04/2024 56 Men

        That's  the number of men that signed the Declaration of Independence, 248 years ago today. John Hancock was the first to sign the document.Those men actually signed their own death warrant. Each man was marked to be hung by the British government. The British couldn't get their hands on any of them. These 56 had courage beyond else. The colonial army was a rag tag bunch of men with near zero military capabilities. The survival of the 56 was dubious at best. They persevered and got lucky with several important individuals in key positions. George Washington  being the main cog in the wheel in sustaining independence. Ben Franklin another signer of DOI. Ben took a slow boat to France in October 1776. He stayed 9 years and left there at age 80. His efforts secured French money,, navy and army. When he got back to the states, he was shocked that the members of congress weren't keen on the efforts that he and the French provided to America. People are funny then and now. The French after WW 1 & 2 likewise were cool to American help. Of course not all of them. Many were appreciative. Even today I can appreciate what the French did for America. I'm glad we returned the favor to them 2 fold. That's  what friends are for.

       Freedom is not a right. It has to be fought for every day. Our forefather's saw what could lie ahead for us. So they put in guide lines to help us stay on tract to contiuing our freedoms. One of those guidelines was separation of church and state.  For the last 50 years the religious right have been gnawing at those guidelines. Now the  John Robert's Supreme  Court has said dictatorial powers are aok with them. Really? These so called educated men say it's  aok. What the?  Something is seriously wrong with America today. Today the Republicans are writing their plank for their party behind closed doors. Why?  because they know what they are doing is wrong!  They use threats and favors to keep them in line. They want to make America in their image period. Why not support their nominee who has said he will be a dictator on day one. Storm the government, it's  a ok with them. They are heros. When they take over people will have to swear loyalty to their presidente and not the USA.

       Wake Up America before it's too late!

Monday, June 17, 2024

6/17/2024 The Battle on Breed's Hill

        Today 249 years ago. The British were put on notice. The colonists were not going to be a push over. They secured the high ground, smack in front of Boston across the Charles river. Early morning light the redcoats were hitting the redoubt with cannons from warships in the river. Assault troops of red were being rowed to the peninsula. It took 3 assaults by the redcoats moving uphill to confront the colonists. Lead musket balls filled the air.   Many redcoats would not see the next day.  Redcoats lost  over a thousand casualties,  Americans 450. Redcost officers 89. The Redcoats were in disbelief over the 89 dead. Back then officers were not targeted during warfare. They were very, very mad.  The Americans ran out of bullets on the 3rd assault.. After this battle that the Americans lost, there was no going back. You were either in or out. Time was now to choose sides.

       Remember this day. It was the day ordinary Americans came together to fight for something new and better. Remember this bloody day. It would change the world from this day forward.

6/17/2024 This

        This year 24 is critical for all the people who want to live in a Democracy.  About 248 years we lived under these guidelines set down in 1776. We did this so that we can live in an environment that can work for everybody. To have a chance to prosper and make improvements along the way. I enjoyed my life under these protections and for that I am greatfull.  Now, those guarantees are under assault. I am beyond astonished,  how could this be happening. Where did we go wrong. My guess is the loosening of laws in the state and then federal jurisdictions.  Our forefather's put that in writing straight away. There is to be a separation between church and state. These religious right people are injecting their beliefs onto all of us through the courts and state jurisdictions. The "republicans" are about to nominate a man who on day one will rule as a dictator. And that's ok with them. Why?  Because all they want is power at any cost. The welfare of us be damned. No common sense allowed. 

       Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet on this topic called Common Sense. It united the colonists behind the idea of a republic that would ensure freedom for Americans.  To vote, you had to be it at the time a white male with property. Over time that would change. If common sense resonated through out the land close to a quarter millennium ago, why can't we do it today. Back then most people couldn't read. Now we have all the advantages. You are not born with commonsense, it something you learn in life through trial and error. If someone says they are going to bust you in the mouth one of these days, believe them.  Take precautions when near that person. The same here. If he says I'm going to be a dictator believe him. If he takes power, it will be a different life for sure. More angst  for everyone. Isn't there enough angst already. Why increase it?  Makes No Sense.  It will be 1775 all over again. We either go forward with hope or take 250 steps backwards.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

6/11/2024 The Desperation

      The Colorado  River near Moab  Utah.  It was a life & death struggle in the water on June 6th 2024.  Gaar Lausman was watching from the beach. A father and his 2 boys capsized from their raft. Lausman's friend Eric Odenthal said to him go now get those kids. Lausman got each one safe on his paddle board but could not get to the father. He kept going down and then up. The fast current was racing the father downstream. Just at that moment Daniel Wright was traveling upstream on his jet ski. Lausman gestures over toward the father. Astute Wright grabbed the outstretched hand of the father. The family unit saved by 2 men and God. 

       Each day throughout the world. Life changing events are occurring. Some will survive and others will not. Why is that. Because it is God's plan that only he knows. There are reasons for each scenario. We will be privy to those answers when we cross the veil as soul. However, you can know some of that while on this side of the veil. By working with divine spirit. You open yourself up to hidden knowledge. You can be given certain guidance as to why a certain event happened in your life. Seek and you will find. Be persistent and focused. The answer is there.

       As I said in a previous blog. A woman was upset that when she came back from work her little dog was dead by the garage door. She freaked. She had  invisible fence put in her yard. It worked great. She wanted to know what dog did this. I said ask spirit. 2 weeks later I see her again. I said what did you come up with when you asked spirit? She said it wasn't definitive. She saw a black dog one day while driving and a white dog 2 days later. I said spirit answered you it's a black and white dog. What I didn't tell her was it was probably her own Labrador that did it. It had black and white markings. Behind her fence she had her own 8 dogs. The dog that died was a little weird and had a nippy personality. She wasn't ready to hear the truth. Otherwise she would have seen it. If your in a quandary, maybe ask a 3rd or 4th party what they think about it. And then listen.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

6/08/2024. Enzo.... a real life Aquaman

        Mallorca was an Italian diver. Not the person who dives off a diving board. Many years ago he was on the water in a boat with daughter Rossana. As he enters the water he is hit in the back. He turns and sees the dolphin. Enzo felt the animal talking to him. The animal goes out aways then descends 12 ft. Enzo follows. Sees another dolphin struggling in a lost net. Back to the boat to get a knife and daughter. He frees the dolphin. The 1 dolphin ,Enzo and daughter bring the pregnant dolphin to surface. A few minutes later blood and baby emerge. The male dolphin guides the baby to the mammary gland of the mother. The male does a large circle  and then heads to Enzo where he brushes  Enzo's cheek.

    Years  prior to this day. Enzo was spear fishing. He got a big grouper. It wedged itself between some rocks. Enzo put his hand under it's belly and felt it's fear.  When he returned home he put up his spear gun for good.

       Enzo after the dolphin encounter said " until a person learns to respect nature and talk to the animal world,  he will never know his true role on Earth.

       This man learned from his experiences and his joy increased  immensely. That should be our goal as well. It can be done in little ways in all sorts of instances during our daily activities.  I read stories of people who look back in their lives and dredge up a kind act that a stanger did for them. Imagine if that person could look back and select from an infinite amount of good acts that were done for them.

       No kind deed ever ever goes un noticed. Your reward is in the doing. A lot of these deeds can be done in less than a minute. We can all dedicate at least a couple minutes a day to this cause. The more it is done the better we make our future world. Thank-you  Enzo for telling your story.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

6/06/2024 Body Aware

        Your body is your temple. It requires maintenance. Teeth and heart your 2 main ones. I was lackadaisical when it came to my teeth. Get your teeth looked at 2 times a year. Internal med doctor once a year. One guy was feeling tired and would take a nap before a ball game. He attributed it to getting older. His tests prior showed no big problems. But he was felled by a heart attack. I think he was late 40s. He didn't know it at the time but both grand fathers suffered the same fate. Good to know your family history. When your doing something different in your normal routine, it's best to get it checked out thoroughly. For a suspected heart ailment a catherization is the best way. With this they can see any blockages. What you can do at home is monitor your blood pressure. See a doctor if over 140 over 80. Ideally  it's 120 /80. Still even with good blood pressure numbers, you still have to look at other possible things that are different than what has gone on in the past.

       Everything has to be maintained and it takes time and work. Your body, your house, your car and family. One thing that doesn't require work is contemplation. In this endeavor, many good things can come from it. 10 minutes every day. Even a couple minutes is better than no minutes. By keeping a journal, you will be able to see the changes. Write down the things that upset you. This is what you have to work on. By doing this you are making yourself stronger and better. You will be more comfortable in your own skin. No strenuous work, just a little bit of time. Try doing it in the morning to set the day off in a positive direction. You can say to yourself this day is going to be even better than yesterday.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

6/02/2024 A Jury

        So we have a democracy. It is held together by laws. Break the laws and you have prosecutors on your tail. They have to supply evidence about your wrong doing. They charge you. Then a jury of your peers is picked. Then the trial. It is not a popularity contest. The jury judges based on what the facts are presented to be. The ex president told the press he would be testifying for himself at the end of the trial. The end comes and he refuses to take the stand. The jury comes back with  the guilty verdict.  Then he attacks the court personnel and others who are not part of the trial.  What gives here.   He makes outlandish statements about the election in 2020 and each court he brings it to says no basis to bring this to court. Why because there is zero evidence here. 

        Every Republican house and senate member disagreed with the jury. They didn't hear the evidence. The jury did though. So these Republicans dispute the American people and their conclusions, with no evidence presented by them. Nothing. When commonsense goes out the door our freedom may not be too far behind. They will dictate to everyone what they feel. So free thought goes bye bye. Book banning, black lists, barb wire encampents and persecutions on what they feel, no evidence required.

       When we go before our maker, we will see that it is us that will do the judging here. You will relive your thoughts and deeds once again and how they affected other people. It will be a sobering moment for you. Now is the time to be true to yourself and to see who you really are warts and all. Let us make better choices in our daily lives. In making it better for ourselves and as well for others. The change is best accomplished here on earth. This recognition can be aided  by invoking divine spirit into our lives.  Allowing it to be of service will increase our joy in life as we make our future choices.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

5/25/2024 U.S.A

        Memorial day is here. It's  a day we recognize the sacrifices of those who formed the union and those who worked to keep the union intact. It began because people were upset about taxes. But it morphed into a more nobler cause. A government that would recognize all It's citizens as valued contributing members. It took awhile to get here.  People were given more freedom than ever before. Tyranny was shown the door. But they're always trying to sneak back in, even to this day. The US stayed together after the Civil War. By staying together we became stronger. That strength was needed when WW 1 came around and then 20 years later WW2. It was the US that changed the tide in this horrendous war. Without the US we would have been part of the thousand year Reich. There are people today that still want to recreate this scenario. The US must remain united to confront this from happening. This is why this year 2024 is so very important. For us and the world this upcoming election is critical. We can make more uncertainty for ourselves and grief. Or we can be thankful for what we have. To preserve what we have, we must uphold the constitution and our own hard fought for.... democracy. It is very hard to create something of value and so bloody easy to knock it down. Let's  keep building like our fore fathers have done. Let's keep weaving that tapestry that makes America great. God.... please keep on blessing America. But we have to show that we are capable of earning that blessing as well.

     Go in God always.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

5/16/2024 it's a Maybe

        So I sat on edge of bed this morning and put my attention on spirit for a second. I get   something big is coming. It repeats over and over, same words. What is coming, have no clue. Is it a world event or something that is more personal. Strange indeed. We'll see if it comes to pass. I think it will happen in weeks not months. Time will tell.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

5/14/2024 So.....You Want A Bigger Truck Do You

        I wanted a 26 ft U-Haul truck for the move, with a tow dolly. That was my goal. 1900 dollars and I could get it. Finally saved enough money. My wife gets dream to rent a smaller truck. So I put a reserve on a 20 footer as well as the 26 ft one.  The 20 footer was 200 cheaper. A week before the move, U-Haul calls, they say I can have the 26 footer for the price of the 20 footer. Ok... I say, thanks.  Load up on Sunday and take off late afternoon on Monday. My wife can't take the movement of the truck so we went to U-Haul and turned in the truck for 2 pods. It took me 3 days in 85 degree heat to pack each one. I  did all the lifting. So I didn't heed the dream and I paid the hefty price.

       A word on stuff. In hindsight. I would do a way better job in controlling my gathering of stuff. It catches up with you. Go over your stuff and do some serious evaluating. I gave myself an F in this department. Better organizing was in order. I didn't do it. And it bit me.

       The guy at U-Haul said it was unusual that the bosses were bending over backwards in helping in our quest to get the pods swapped in. He couldn't get over it. Says this has never happened before. I attributed it to divine spirit looking out for us. The pods arrived at their destination in a rain storm and I got them unloaded, in the next 2 days. Fitting the stuff into a smaller place is taking 2 weeks. With all this work, falling asleep is no problem.

       The next quest is finding a job.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

5/09/2024 Cheese It. It's The Cops

        During this move, I brought with me some hard boiled eggs and some cheese. I kept them in an insulated bag with some frozen water bottles. When I got to a hotel I would put them in the fridge. Around the 4 th night out on the road, I get a dream. Don't remember much of anything except the word cheese. I took that to mean toss the cheese. Which I did that morning. One of the illnesses you can get from cheese is listeria. Or salmonella. Don't need that. I'm thankful to spirit for the dream. Just that 1 word cheese got the message across. During my life I got food poisoned bad 2 times. One from a warmed up meatball sandwich, I got from a bar near my work. The other time was a fast food hamburger joint. Ate 2 greasy burgers. Huge mistake. I might of had a slight musgiving about it. But I was stupid then. Survived it and learned a valuable lesson. Never got sick at home. 2 times on the road. Listening to Spirit's clues helps in not having to go through these type of experiences. Use them, the clues and nudges in every aspect in your life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

5/05/2024 Pardon Me

        I dropped my lock card key into the latch. The hotel door slowly opens to a woman sitting in a chair. Damn it. I say sorry. She says it's ok and gets up to take walk to front desk. We wait. She comes back with new key for me to a room 5 doors down. The key works, but I quickly knock before entering. The lady that handed me the key laughed. I'm getting the luggage in the door and she comes walking back. She says now my key doesn't work. Back to the front desk. Not a short walk. I'm glad she had a laid back demeantor. This hotel was strange. No elevators. Initially they gave me a room on second floor and I had a lot of luggage on the dolly. That meant walking bags up the stairs. A second guy came and said he'd get me a room on 1st floor. That key opened the lady's room. To make a left you had to go right, then down a tiled ramp, then cross the atrium which had a pool in it but walls blocked the view of it. It did not block the humidity. Then on the left side it was up another tiled ramp. On to a carpeted floor and down a small decline of vinyl plank flooring. Other than that, everything was ok. 

       Back to the lady whose life got interupted. She makes her life better by going with the flow. When irritations arise she's up to the challenge. She did better than me that day. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

4/30/2024 Paring Down the Hard way

        Stuff. It either owns you or you own it. My stuff owns me. The first move I did back in 88 was a killer moving an hour south. Took all my books and tools. A couple friends of mine took us all week. Those books were something. I got them on shelves I built.  When it was time to  move on 15 years later, I said no way. I got rid of half of them. This move I removed 2/3 rds of them. So me and 2 buddies of mine filled up a 26 ft uhaul. Did 2/3 rd full. Well my wife on trip couldn't take the jostle of the truck and tow dolly. With limited funds, have to Ditch the van and take the car. Some will go in pods. Dropped a lot of stuff at goodwill. Not fun to say the least. She did get tipped off by dreams she had about the impending problem but didn't act on those dreams. So it's going to be a wild ride. Another adventure coming up. Won't forget this trip for a long long time.

4/28/2024. In a Pickle

        Moving day was yesterday. Driving a 26 ft U-Haul with a tow dolly. First time with a vehicle this big. Pull into a hotel parking lot. I unloaded some bags for the night. All ok. I go to repark. I drove thru back parking lot. I tried to make a turn to the left. There was an 18 wheeler in parked in front of me.  To my left parked a pickup truck with a boat behind it. To my rear an island with a concrete curb. I can't complete the turn. Try to backup. Keep hitting the back curb. This is happening at 9pm. Get out of truck to look at the dolly. Readjust. Must of did it 20 times. Then I give up ask spirit for it's help. A guy comes out of hotel and walks to his pickup truck, not the one with the boat. I ask him if he is familiar backing up a tow dolly, he says no. But then says he'll give it a try.  After 10 min of backing up then forward many times, he gets  enough room just barely to make that left. I couldn't believe it. I was so thankful. Hopefully I learned my lesson about tight spots. But it was interesting that as soon as I asked, the guy comes into sight. My job was to open my big mouth. And ask for his help.  Thank-you  Divine Spirit and the guy.

Friday, April 12, 2024

4/12/2024 A. Six Year Old

        A six year old being driven to kindergarten in California died in his car seat in the back seat. His mother made a mistake. She gave someone on the freeway the bird. That act of anger cost her, her son's life unfortunately. The young male in the other car took out his gun and shot at the car. Recently he was sentenced to 40 years in jail.

     Anger. Nothing good ever comes from it. If you feel yourself getting angry, take 3 deep breaths. Hold your breath as long as you can and then exhale slowly. Then track down why you got angry. If you say well they did this to me. That is a wrong answer. You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. When you accept this as true, your life will change for the better. If you find yourself nearby people who are arguing, retreat from them. Ask divine spirit for it's protection and listen to that small voice within. The more you practice this the better will be the results. The more we act with love the better it is for everyone as well as us. When we set out the door for the day, say I will act with love this day. Do it everyday. Also give thanks when the blessings come.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

3/31/2024 Unfolding Journeys

       It's been 4 years tomorrow that I started this blog. We were in early stages of Covid. I believe it was created in a lab in Wuhan China. Three scientists working there came down with the disease. The wet market origin was a lie. US agencies worked with those scientists at Wuhan.  The disease cut down people with weakened defenses hard. Over 1 million Americans died due to it. And their still dying of it, today. I wear a mask when I'm in stores. I take it off when I get outside. I used to get the common cold 2 times a year around November and April. Since 2020 no colds. I attribute it to the mask and using hand sanitizer all the time. You don't need much. I keep a little bottle in car all the time and try to keep one in my pocket.

      I got the Moderna vaccine and the boosters. Last October I took the Novavax vaccine and will get a follow up next October. I got it free with the bridge program. The bridge program is to end at the end of year, supposedly. Get proper sleep and eat good foods as well. Look out for you and give yourself the best chance possible.

       As I said before, hard time Era started with 9/11. Troubles have been bringing change to us and the world. Greed and power is a constant. Negativity tries to tear down what our forebears put up. Namely democracy which allows us to be creative and have sense of freedom. Leading to living with less fear. It has served us well. It would be criminal to let all that hard won work go down the tubes because of our petty personalities. A person that says I'm going to be a dictator the first day does not deserve my vote. A person that raises and stokes fear to garner votes is not my ideal candidate. A person that would allow his VP to be put in mortal danger with a makeshift gallows near the capitol grounds. Is not a person who should be  allowed to run for dog catcher of a town. A person who mocks people with disabilities. Tells you right then and there what this guy is about. A person who has the audacity to grab a woman's privates. Well what can you say really. Would you want this guy to babysit your kid or grand kids. Think about that. For me to have to address this subject, just blows my mind.  Now this guy is selling the Bible for 60 dollars with holy crossed off and God bless the USA bible inserted instead. The guy even says he's like Christ. This guy doesn't try to hide who he is. But he is all that and more. Summing up with one word, I come up with...... Deranged!

       So hard times are still coming for us. It may even get worse. But if we turn to God and work with divine spirit we have a chance at least for us to get around these myriad of problems. Look for that silver lining in the dark cloud. It is there. That silver will get you through the trouble. Those who succumb to fear will have even more troubles than they started out with. So when the blank hits the fan, stay calm look to divine spirit within and act on what you get. Staying calm let's divine spirit in with it's usually small voice. Also ask for it's protection in the early stages. And don't  succumb to doom sayers who ever they may be.

       Always remember be kind and nice at all times. If you find yourself next to a super negative person. Excuse yourself and say something positive before you leave the room. Guard your peace of mind. Don't play the victim in any situation you find yourself in. If you find yourself in a bad situation own it. Figure out why it happened to you and most of all....how to get out of it. Be patient when trying to excise yourself from the predicament. May take days, weeks or months. Never throw in the towel.

       Easter is tomorrow. It showed that you as soul are eternal. You live forever. You exist within the smallest of things and the biggest of things.  Look to God always and ask questions no matter where you find yourself or what your predicament happens to be.  Live from soul your true nature. Understanding comes from here you inner temple where the god waters emanate. This is your sacared place. So before you go to bed ask to be taken here. Then record that dream.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

3/26/2024. Control

        This was a horoscope I had from years ago.   Libra ...."Use this time to sort out what it is you want to achieve this year.  Making a plan will ensure you have a greater chance of accomplishing most things on your wish list.  Failing to plan can cause you  to end up swaying in the wind, instead of being in control of your destiny.  After all, that's what free will is about ----- taking Control. "

       This was made for me. I've found that having less goals is the better road to take. Anything more than 5 dilutes getting things done at least in my case. I have alot of unfinished projects throughout the house. And too much stuff. Now I'm tossing. It's  liberating in a way. Some pain also. It's push come to shove time. And that time is reduced to 5 weeks. So it is chaos around here. Next place I will be choosing more control for myself and hopefully slow it down a bit. I hope this is true. And yes we have free will. We choose a lot of what happens to us in a daily basis. Whether to plan or not to plan and hope for the best. Most of my life was the latter. I really don't recommend it. Here's to better choices and planning for the future.

Friday, March 15, 2024

3/15/2024 Building a Nest

       Getting hit in the head with bird poop is not a pleasant experience. If the bird circles round and wants to set up shop in your hair, you can do something about that. So in life one negative experience doesn't have to be a harbinger of more bad things to come. A lot of times it pays to reflect on that negative experience. Try to see what you can glean from that experience. Say you pushed your nose out a little too far into the traffic lane and you got clipped. Negative experience. Be thankfull right away. You didn't get hurt. But that lesson will hopefully teach you to be more cautious in the future. Once I ran a stop sign. Hit the guy's  280Z. He just picked it up from the dealer driving home to show the wife.  1/2 mile on the odometer. Hood and front fender damage. When  the cop came. I said it was my fault. When I told the guys at work I fessed up. Everyone said it was the wrong thing to do. I didn't  think so. But that mentality shows me why lawyers make good money.  My motto roll with the punches and move on in the figurative sense. Now, if someone attacks you physically call on divine spirit at once and try to defend yourself. 
       A recent article about Barbra Corcoran  caught my interest. She did a sell for Trump and her commission was 4 million. He tells her she ain't going to get a penny. She files suit against him and gets her 4 million. His narrative was a self starter for her. And she made her own narrative. Another time the Shark Tank was getting started and they called her to be on the show. She gets all excited. 2 days later they rescind her invite. No. She gets on phone leaves message for producer Mark Burnett. Tells him about Trump episode.  And that she expects to have a chance to try out. Her air ticket was already purchased. Day later she gets call to come for tryout. She gets the job.
       You do what you can to change the narrative. If doesn't work, so be it, move on. People who dwell on the injustices done to them wreck their future happiness. Doesn't  have to be that way.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

3/06/2024 A Plan

        Is what you need to get the situations you want or things that you want. First you have to figure how bad you want it. And are you prepared to do the work that it will take. So I lift the dumbell almost everyday. Not only is it making me stronger but it shows me I have a sticktuvidiness.  This one act has a huge amount of power when it comes to your life. This power can be directed  in beneficial ways for your life experience. Along this path to a goal you have set will come with other unforseen events. Some good and other not so good. Both will aid you in getting to the goal. In your pursuit of goal A you may find an unexpected  thing come up that you like better. You swap A for B. But it was your pursuit of A that got you close to goal B. It's an adventure. What life is about. Start with an idea then the plan to try to get there. Blocks will come up. Your job, figure a way around them. There is a way around it. If you can't see it. It's time to call in divine spirit. Then pay attention to everything going around you and even a dream. The answer will come. You will have to have your own experiences to see that this is true. Record all in your journal. This is the most important book that you will ever read. It is your real life treasure map. You will never be a victim. The tools are there for your use at any time, they don't  get rusty ever. Any negative opinions about your goals. File them in the circular file. And continue on. Try to keep your goals manageable. Too many will scatter your power. If you can try to stick with one. You can do it.

Friday, February 23, 2024

2/23/2024 Crap

        I had to take my wife to the doctor in the city on Wednesday. Had to leave early that day. I usually use the bathroom between 9 and 10 am.  I had to leave at 8am. I was worried about this. But Wednesday morning came and I used the bathroom at 7:20, which never happens. I was happy about that, as well as thankfull. That was a load off my mind. So spirit knew ahead of time what my predicament was. And answered the call. So spirit becomes involved with the nitty gritty in the affairs of us. Looking after us in the most mundane of all actions.  

      If spirit can help in the little things, think what it can do in the bigger facets of our lives. When it comes to our life set a course of where you would like to go and what it is you want to experience. Give this endeavor a lot of thought. Make an outline. You can fill in the blanks later on. Always refer to this outline every Sunday and take notes and add things to the outline. Always to remember that you can ask spirit for it's input along the way. If you are handed something, think do I really need this? And if not, withdraw your hand. Your life will be about additions as well as subtractions.  Both are important. They can refer to people or things. This is hands on.  Always changing and flowing. The trick is to have fun with the total experience. Always be thankful to begin your day. Take 5- 10 min in morning to do a contemplation. A zeroing in, on what you would like.

Monday, February 12, 2024

2/11/2024 Nightmare

        Last night I got it. A lot of details are gone from it. But the gist from it was the US was attacked. I was in a single story large structure and dust or particulate was all in the air. The skies were filled with our military planes. I remember trying to get details on what was happening. Fear permeated through the building. Many people were in the building. Did not like this dream one bit.

       No matter what happens in your life small events or big ones, there is always Divine Spirit to call on. By using spirit in the small mundane things, it will show you that it does work for you by you taking action and spirit bringing the remedy closer to you. It is very simple, just ask. Then do your part. And always express gratitude after the fact. No matter where you are or what's going on lean on Divine Spirit because that's what it's here for. Build that trust. And keep a journal to remind you of past experiences working with Divine Spirit. This is what this Unfolding Journeys is all about. As you work with Divine Spirit your awareness will grow and your life will become even more rewarding than it is now. This relationship will power you on through. No matter what difficulties lay ahead.

Friday, February 9, 2024

2 /08/2024 More on Exercise

        Went away in the beginning of November last year. My dumbell exercises came to an end the way I use to do them. I brought a 20 pound dumbell with me. I found that I got a little weaker. I  started to do 25 reps on each arm each day. I found that I started to get strong again. After I got back 2 months later, I resumed the dumbell but now I do 103 on the right arm and 113 on the left arm the less dominant one. I also do 20 reverse dumbell lifts each arm. Sitting in my chair,  I lift  my weight above my head and hold it there a count of 65, each arm.. I do  65  15 pound leg lifts as well. So from July to November I did many lifts. This I talked about in a couple previous blogs. Which built me up. I got a foundation. So I am able to keep my muscle tone by doing way less weight. The extra weight took a lot more time to do.  The top of my bicep  has almost lost the last of the wrinkles. Still wrinkles persist below the bicep. Eventually I will get rid of them.  So it takes time. But its worth it to me. I do most of my exercises sitting in my office chair in the morning. No expensive exercise machines or gym membership. Last 6 years I would need a home depot  bucket to push off of to get  up from ground while gardening. Now I don't need the bucket. I feel more stronger than ever. Half hour in the morning  every day. It has really made my life a lot better. When you lift, start with small weights and over time go up in increments. Never push yourself too hard. Listen to your body. If you feel a tweek, back off either the reps you are doing or take 2 days off. Or reduce the weight. I feel 25 years younger. Those who want more definition they go to more heavier weights. These are your muscle people. You don't have to look like that. But weights can and do make you fit. It may also give you less aches and pains. As you strengthen your muscles you are protecting your bones. Listen to your body and use your doctors. Catching things early can extend your life.

Friday, February 2, 2024

2/02/2024 Road Block

        I was doing a job last week. I had to get in this crawl space. The wall went up 2 ft from the ground. Then the opening rectangle was 2 ft by 4 ft. Trying to get in that opening was not easy. I decided to takeout 1 cinder block. I have my cold chisel and start on the 8x 16 inch block. Slow going trying to chisel out the block. I ask spirit for an assist. I keep banging away and I notice the block start to loosen up a little bit. My leverage bar helps me out. Thank-you  spirit with the block problem. I know that If I didn't ask, it would have taken me another hour to get it out. With the block out of the way, it was way better.  I was insulating heating pipe. I used tape that had a release tape on it. So you would cut a small section and then have to use a wallpaper knife to separate the paper from the tape. That was a pain. I ask spirit if there is a way to do it better. Spirit came through again after using the tip of blade I was able to hit the sweet spot of tape and get it separated. Each time it worked I would say thank-you spirit. There were 200 cuttings or more. Spiritual help in every day occurences. I always say Thanj-you spirit. 

2/02/2024 Golgotha

       I always wondered why Jesus said, God why have you forsaken me. Today I did a contemplation about it. This is what I got. It was God's way to answer the people of the earth.  So God comes to earth as a man. The man Jesus is born. During the course of that lifetime, God would also occupy that body.  So it was like 2 'people'  living in one body. On the hill were both the man and God persona. Toward the end of the man's life,  the God part leaves the man. Hence, Jesus feels the separation. And utters the remark. This showed the demarcation between man and God. 

       We too can get this connection by allowing divine spirit into our lives. All you have to do is invite it in. We do what we can and when we get stuck we can call on spirit with the needed assist.

       When we act from fear, nothing works right. If we do it with love we get a good result. Why because God is love. When I got angry with someone I felt the immediate  cut off from spirit which culminated in me gasping for breath. So when I'm  in congruence with spirit I didn't know it. However when the anger cut me off I felt it. So I was off the path for 5 minutes  I did not like it one bit.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

1/20/2024 This Three Year Old

      Over 30 years ago, this kid tells me a secret about life. I wrote about this previously. He was sitting and playing on a 4 ft high wood deck. I was on the driveway. I said to the kid, do you remember when you were big? He shook his curly head yes. He lifted his his head and it seemed that his eyes changed in some way, darker and wider. The kid kid wasn't there anymore. Soul was now front in center. He said I like the fact that I create my own reality. I put my hand out to tap his hand and he put his through the balusters, when our hands met. I was going to ask him another question but he said I want you to leave now. The kid returned. So it was there for 1 question. 
      Looking back, it feels like yesterday.  My failure to a big degree was not to take action along these lines of thought. I wish I was more proactive. Picking a goal and focusing on it with laser precision. I could have had more fun. Some areas I did. But in others things were going good but I took my foot off the gas. I got distracted by other events. It comes to the point of reacting to life's events, instead of being the source of future events. So I let those events  dictate to me, then the other way around. But sometimes I was able to make the adjustment and rewrite the narrative. I dictated that it was time to take the fork in the road. I did good in these instances. Where I lapsed bigtime was my financial situation. It didn't become much better. A laser focus would have worked for me. But I created this life for me, no doubt about it. I am responsible for it all. This has to be your starting point, like a preset factory setting. If goals aren't being met. A reassessment is in order forthwith. Goals should be gone over every Sunday. Look at your journal and monitor your progress. This is the time to tweak it. Look at the goals money, relationships or health. Ask yourself, how can I improve upon this. What is my next form of action?  Write it down and act upon it. Due diligence is required from you. Look in mirror and say I am the one responsible for everything in my life. That means I have the control, no matter what is happening in my life. By thinking this way, you can steady the ship and keep any situation from going under.  Your ship is in dry dock for repairs, make the most of it. By making better choices and being willing to adapt to future road blocks.  No matter what be kind in word & deed always to yourself and others.